Reviews for Spinning Through Space
BakedPotato chapter 12 . 3/16/2018
So, these Daleks... they look sort of like big naked potatoes with laser guns, right?
WorldsWorthWords chapter 27 . 2/8/2018
Such a delightful, delightful combo fic. I read this a while ago and loved it.
EmPro8 chapter 4 . 9/6/2016
Oh, poor Calvin. He might be a pain, but I know they'll miss him...
Storygirl000 chapter 10 . 2/17/2016
Congrats! Someone recommended this fanfic on TV Tropes! It's how I found this story in the first place!
angry nerd girl chapter 26 . 11/4/2015
This is awesome please write more
hyperdragon97 chapter 27 . 8/16/2015
When can season two be expected?
Seska1729 chapter 27 . 8/10/2015
PLOT PREDICTION for "Mission: In Hospital"

I mean, come on. How can this not introduce Martha Jones, medical student?

Here's how. If the author is willing to go back on her assumption that Amy won't appear, this can be The Eleventh Hour, rewritten to have Rose as a companion, and to be the only appearance of Amy and Rory.
Seska1729 chapter 8 . 7/3/2015
Seriously, did no one watch the original Aliens of London? The pig "was scared. It was scared."

And yes, I did just quote 9.

What? He's better than 10 at least.

*gets stormed by angry reviewers*

Well, 12 definitely wasn't as good as 11...

*gets doubly stormed by angry reviewers*

Can I even give 5 an honorary mention for showing up in the Coral desktop theme in "Time Crash"?

*gets quadruply stormed by angry reviewers*

SONTAR-HA! SONTAR-HA! *throws things at the angry reviewers, including a disemDaleked plunger*
Seska1729 chapter 27 . 6/30/2015
Well... I couldn't very well keep calling myself... Master... now could I?
Seska1729 chapter 27 . 6/23/2015
Plot prediction: School Reunion

Susie, having finally stopped being six, leads a normal life at a normal high school in a normal London suburb. That is, until a mysterious journalist named Sarah Jane Smith shows up, and a certain cardboard box ruptures spacetime yet again.

To add a bit of DWho 8.6: Calvin (as the caretaker) shows up in odd places tinkering with electronics, frequently causing Susie to pause class to yell at him.
DrSmithAndJones chapter 1 . 6/9/2015
Finished the story. ABSOLUTE AMAZINGNESS. Please write season two! This is incredible and awesome and there's evil Calvins of doom and Hobbes and Rose get into snark contests and I must find out what happens next!
Guest chapter 26 . 5/17/2015
you are quite the writer.
Guest chapter 24 . 5/17/2015
Calvin One.
Grizzmon chapter 27 . 5/1/2015
Well this was found, could have used a bit less of fourth wall breaking, and just reference tropes instead.
Grizzmon chapter 26 . 5/1/2015
Well, looks like he is like the Doctor is more ways than one.
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