Reviews for Wherever We Go
Spider- Girl chapter 25 . 5/29/2019
Omg! Please no! Mackenzie (if it’s ok to call you that) I’m a little late getting in the Tf2 franchise. Hell, imma lot a late, but I really really hope from the bottom of my heart that you are ok. I’ll say a special prayer for you. It’s 2019 when I’m writing this so you’ll have to forgive me for being 5 years late telling you this but I just adored your story and though I hate to see it unfinished, I want you to be better. On behalf of everyone who read this incredible fanfic, get well soon, and we love you.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/10/2017
Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that I have adored reading this, and hope that you are well. Thank you for writing and sharing this fic with us.
Sicaedus chapter 10 . 5/21/2017
One of the most amazing pieces of team fortress fanfiction I've ever read and one that I hope will return one day.

Until then.
Sicaedus chapter 25 . 3/9/2016
Please update :(
ALargeHoovy chapter 19 . 1/21/2016
ASmallHoovy chapter 7 . 1/21/2016
EricLightscythe chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
The way thwsoldier says "Any objections, lady?" throughout the story... are you a Metroid fan? :D
EricLightscythe chapter 25 . 11/28/2015
Dammit. Another one of those amazing incomplete stories. I do hope both of you are alright. I doubt that your accounts are active and would see this review after a year, but please complete this story. I have absolutely no idea about this betrayal thing, but to me this story is a gem. All is left is that one final chapter. So please, please finish this if it is possible. I can understand not wanting to divulge what happened to the author, but I do hope all's well.
BunsThatHappenToBeSticky chapter 25 . 7/14/2015
Are you guys ok now?
TheWordMasterofFiction chapter 25 . 6/18/2015
I really enjoyed reading this fic! Actually read it twice because I enjoyed it so much- your characters feel warm and authentic, and you really managed to make a game about people running around and fighting each other have a fantastic story! It's a shame this fic hasn't been updated in over a year, however. I'd love to read more, and see where you take the story. :) Take care, and keep writing if you're able to!
Sally t chapter 12 . 3/30/2015
oh scout...I, ahem, WE love you...heh heh...
Sally t chapter 7 . 3/30/2015
:3 I always read everything you write silly!
MasterDarkElf chapter 25 . 12/10/2014
Well I'll wait tell her some random fan of her story said get better soon!
Alter Ego Bob chapter 25 . 10/17/2014
Hi. I just read the last chapter/ author's note. I kno it was posted almost 3 months ago, but I would like to say that I hope you are well and you must realize that you shouldn't feel bad that you (probably) won't continue the story. Yes, it is an excellent story but just waiting all of that was good enough. Being able to read your work brought me joy and I truly appreciate all the time you put into this. Maybe you are better now? Maybe you won't insight this story, perhaps you will not even see this or write fanfiction ever again? Well it doesn't matter. You have done enough. I hope you are doing better and that God blesses you all the day of your life. Thank you again for this great story.
Erubbu chapter 25 . 8/22/2014
For when you get back; really enjoying this fic so far, I hope everything went fine in hospital with you. Looking forward to the next chapter; I started reading hours ago and got so stuck in! Will wait patiently for your return, and also you haven't let me down at all either. Ive enjoyed your other works too, especially If Only I Had Listened (but that's only cuz I'm a sucker for Scout fics haha, he's portrayed really well in this fic too), and love how well written each fic is. Awesome!
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