Reviews for Ranger Trials and an Elf
wotumba1 chapter 3 . 8/29/2019
Leah K chapter 3 . 7/19/2016
I can't stop laughing this is now a new favorite
Horsegirl01 chapter 3 . 9/30/2015
I enjoyed this story. Hope you will write more!
alkdfsjis chapter 3 . 2/5/2015
Hahaha! I was laughing at the last part!
You did a wonderful job writing this!
So, any more of those infamous ranger trials?
EvenstarWarrior chapter 3 . 9/19/2014
That was awesome! I kinda feel sorry for Legolas, and for Strider. But it was a good story. I really liked the ending, it wasn't was...fitting. :D congrats on a job well done.
HeartWing3113 chapter 3 . 9/18/2014
Aww so adorable! I feel bad for the rangers, I definitely wouldn't want to be in their position XD
Ragnelle chapter 3 . 9/7/2014
I think you must have labeled this fic wrong. Surely this must be a parody.
Saphira chapter 3 . 9/3/2014
I told you Aragorn! Should have checked the cave! Liked the ending!
gginsc chapter 3 . 9/3/2014
Go get him Legolas! Putting you in a cave without checking it out first! Some friend!
BlackShaftedArrow chapter 1 . 9/3/2014
WOOHOOO! I LOVED this chapter! Especially the ending! And you did a great job on all the punctuation/spelling/etc.! It was perfect. :D
Saphira chapter 2 . 9/1/2014
When Legolas finds out that it was Strider and friends...I wouldn't want to be in their position. I feel like something is going to backfire and endanger the elf.
write more!
BlackShaftedArrow chapter 2 . 9/1/2014
Very good! I'm really liking this story a lot. :D
Gladen-Green-Leaf chapter 2 . 9/1/2014
Poor Legolas! I hope he is able to really show up those rangers, after all how else are they suppose to gain respect for Leggy? You are an AWESOME WRITER! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
snoozinghamster chapter 2 . 9/1/2014
Liking the idea of this story so far.
Gladen-Green-Leaf chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
Please let Legolas get the better end of the deal!
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