Reviews for I Followed Her, and She Led Me to You
VryUnique chapter 29 . 6/27
I never would have guessed jasper was going to run with Bella.
I couldn’t image you would let Bree die, I hope not.
VryUnique chapter 28 . 6/27
That was fast. I guess Bella is going to be on the field.
VryUnique chapter 26 . 6/26
Someone could probably make the argument that everything that happened is Edward’s fault. He broke vampires number one rule and everything proceeded from there.
VryUnique chapter 17 . 6/25
I didn’t realize that Bella and Leah were that good of friends...?
I was going to say that Bella doesn’t even want to be changed for some years so she should start college. No muss no fuss. Why go through the hassle of telling your parents you don’t want to go and than having to decide on the reason why your leaving forks. Bella gets into college, leaves town and than make other decisions from there.
That is what I was going to say until Bella’s dream and them having sex. Now I’m wondering If Bella is going to get pregnant before highschool is even over.
NazaKaos chapter 29 . 6/15
Thanks you soooooo sooooo much for deciding to continue on with this story. I had to reread the entire story to correctly remember everything that happened but it was so worth it because this story is absolutely amazing. I can’t wait till the next update. I am so excited to see what you come up with next.
Fauxysama chapter 29 . 5/26
Glad you’ve come back to finish this, it’s a good story and I can’t wait to read more
sc4536 chapter 29 . 5/21
I love this! I didn't expect the Bree/Alice twist, and the last two chapters were great, I've enjoyed the whole story so fr, and I can't wait to read what you have planned for the end.
Estel Ashlee Snape chapter 29 . 5/20
Good chapter. Keep up the good work!
sc4536 chapter 4 . 5/19
I love the change in Bella here - fighting back agsint Edward's old fashioned ways. And I love the Jasper/Alice relationship too, and I always love Jasper being such a gent!
BukakkeGirl chapter 29 . 5/16
I literally screamed seeing this update!
moonlightkiss1515 chapter 29 . 5/15
awww! nooooooooooooooo! human bella is so much fun! too down to earth...ugh! don't kill her yet or turn her! i like this exploration of vamp/human relationship cuz in canon that did not happen is like all she did was drool over how 'perfectly gorgeous mr edward -i-can-everything cullen... seriously like did he take her on dates, romanced her, like a healthy relationship does... you know what could be cool like get a Bucket List and Jasper like help her achieve it so that it could be a last hurrah! before she turns and like cause her to have an accident when they complete it... (just a sugestion you do what you want its your story hehehheh)
kouga's older woman chapter 29 . 5/15
Hurry Alice! Bree needs you!
traceybuie chapter 29 . 5/14
You sure left us on an evil cliffie. Shakes fist at meanie author... LOL. But great chapter. Thanks for writing and sharing.
sarahplumb chapter 29 . 5/14
omg, I cannot belive it ! a update lol I love this story and thought it was never going to be finished , so thank you so much for updating and hope everyone is staying in and staying safe in Australia too
celajwhitney chapter 29 . 5/14
hi! it's been so long since i started reading this that i don't remember an of it. oh well, i guess i will just have to start over, ha ha ha. this is a good chapter and i can't wait to re-read the whole story. things are fine here in small town California, except for the fact that our governor is an idiot for keeping us locked down so long. i haven't left my house in nine weeks and i'm bored to death. i have another new great grand daughter waiting to meet me in and she is two months old already. as soon as the southern states are open we are driving across country to see her!
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