Reviews for All the Little Pieces
dg.sangita chapter 1 . 9/6/2017
Thanks for this story. It's beautiful. Please don't mind me saying this but sometimes I envy all you guys who write such wonderful stories. They are really a work of art. Wish I had the talent of expression so beautiful that it melts someone's heart.
Guest chapter 24 . 11/1/2016
This was amazing. You are a fantastic author. Thank you so much for sharing!
Catasauqua chapter 5 . 1/31/2016
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review: January 2016

Mike and Clay were developed nicely and their characters grew as the story unfolded. I liked how Clay wasn't quite the hard-ass Mike was, but was still just as dangerous. Your characterization of Dean was, as always, perfect. A little crack showed when it came to Sam, but right back to delay and distract.

John was as efficient and badass as he should be. Woe be to those who threaten his boys. Too bad there's no one left to carry the tale. :P I loved that John realized Dean needed reassurance that Sam was safe - even though they both knew there was no such thing - and suggested they swing by Stanford. Well done, that.

This story was well formatted, grammatically clean and had a nice plot resolution.
SPN Mum chapter 5 . 1/22/2016
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review - January 2016

Your descriptions of the cousins, along with their callous attitude towards Dean and Sam, made me dislike them intensely. The thought that they could hunt what they wanted, no matter the consequences, allowed me to condone John's treatment of them when he arrived. I also wanted to see them pay for their mistreatment of Dean. I agreed with John's assessment of Clay and Mike, since they acted as monsters, and therefore deserved to be killed as such. Even though I only read this chapter, I was drawn into the story, and I was left wanting to read more.
SPNReadingManiac chapter 5 . 1/10/2016
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review : January 2016

The two views of Dean here, Clay's and John's, swing the reader from one pole to another. The frighteningly matter-of-fact descriptions fill the mind's eye so easily with images that are truly horrifying. The characters are built up within even this short period of time, their voices clear and distinct, motivation, lack of interest, self-serving. Dean, as seen here by others, feels true to his age and his past. A jolting moment from a well-imagined history.
silver ruffian chapter 24 . 10/27/2015
Oh yeah. You broke me again. The Marked!Dean arc on the show should have been just like this.
silver ruffian chapter 23 . 10/27/2015
Oh. That was brutal. The show needed to do something like this. And they wimped out. Bravo!
silver ruffian chapter 1 . 10/27/2015
Well. You just pulled my heart out and stomped it flat. Thank you.
hunenka chapter 24 . 4/23/2015
I downloaded this fic to my Kindle a while ago, and when I came back to with the intention to leave a review, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that you added more chapters. But I'm all caught up now :)

This was a wonderful fic, I think you really did Dean justice, showing all the different sides of him, and showing why he's still such a captivating, admirable, fascinating character, even after 10 seasons. Thank you.
Mendai Decovrii chapter 13 . 4/21/2015
I'm really enjoying all of these. ;) I just wanted to comment on the wonderful twist of irony (is it irony?) that Lucifer is having a revelation about the power of love, and realizing his own weakness without it; how love is the thing that keeps people fighting even when everything is lost; and in the next breath he curls over and gives up, instead of maintaining the persistent fight against capture that Sam had just moments before. Really an awesome twist.
Lorelei'sDream chapter 24 . 3/1/2015
A really nice blending here of Dean's practical approach being contradicted by his feelings. It strikes me as being so in-character and I could see the actor playing it so easily, complete with frown when he thinks he's wallowing in self-pity too much! I would very much have liked to have seen this scene played out.

I always love your writing and vision of the show and the characters and this story was no exception... there was something in every chapter that made me think about the characters and that gave me a little bit more of a look into them, and it's a great compilation of moments. Thank you!
Lorelei'sDream chapter 23 . 3/1/2015
A great view of Dean through Crowley's eyes. I'm really looking forward to seeing you explore this period and these characters in NQG, I know it will be a wonderful read.
SPNReadingManiac chapter 24 . 2/28/2015
I am really hoping that this is more of a forerunner to your other stories. Thank you for expanding the physical, intellectual and emotional after-effects of being a demon, so casually brushed off by others. Demonkind can self-heal but that doesn't make the trauma any less. I see Dean is struggling with the idea that no one who makes a choice gets saved from it, something he understands in his soul, but not with his mind. Or do I mean that the other way round? I am looking forward to seeing where you go in DH and beyond, as I'm sure it will be a fascinating and journey of great enjoyment and worth my time. Thank for these glimpses, they've been consistently within all the characters and consistent in showing Dean Winchester!
SPNFangirl1965 chapter 24 . 2/27/2015
Well done!
MarleeJames chapter 24 . 2/27/2015
And that's the way it is. A great ending to a wonderful series of glimpses into a complex character with far too many issues. As a sidebar to DH, these last few chapters have been brilliant. The different perspectives are interesting and not often complimentary, but they still manage to show Dean's soul and the reason we all love him. A terrific read that I'll be revisiting. Many thanks!
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