Reviews for Ransom
ShadowedLamp chapter 6 . 9/25/2015
This wasn't too bad, considering it was an adaption from a dream.:P In spite of your comments expressing that you consider your material to be poor, I quite enjoyed it. You kept Sherlock reasonably in character, as well as John (even though asking the press to do stuff seemed like a kind of unlikely move, it was funny). Also, I really like your style of writing, and you've given me inspiration to write shorter stories. I can see now that they can be done and still be good.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/6/2014
how can u say this is horrible !? THIS IS AMAZING ! GREAT JOB :)
John Mitchell chapter 6 . 12/2/2014
That chapter seems packed. It stuffed full of wonderful SHERLOCK scenes. The ambulance scene fit well. You did a good job as making it emotional, but not making Sherlock too sentimental and keep true to the character. I personally liked the ending the best where Sherlock is back in the swing of things. It's great to be back! I'm afraid I'm not good at writing myself so I won't give you a prompt, but at some point I would like to see your take on the Battle of Five Armies and Kili, Fili and Thorin's death. Also, really quickly, have you ever seen the Supernatural? (Not sure how you'd answer that.)
ToScribe chapter 6 . 12/2/2014
Sequel perhaps? :)
Nightdustt chapter 6 . 12/1/2014
Oh, I actually liked your story a lot.

It is a bit out of Character but I still enjoyed the story. I will read your other stories and hope you write more.
rabbitaddict chapter 5 . 11/30/2014
This is a wonderful book! I don't have any idea why you would be ashamed! You have action, suspense, and a thought out theme. The story isn't exactly as realistic as the tv show, but it is still very entertaining and fun to read and enjoy! Keep it up, and can't I wait for the rest!
John Mitchell chapter 5 . 11/30/2014
I'm still reading and I still like it and don't understand why you are hiding. It's nice to hear from Sherlock finally. I don't know if I've said this before, but I'm going to say it now. You have an extraordinary talent of portraying all these characters. I believe in each and everyone of them I they are acting just like you would expect them to. I'm glad to be back and reviewing again. I can't tell you how much this is lifting my spirits. (Surprising isn't it? Considering this story contains torture. Not that I'm complaining. :/) I'm not sure if you've already finished this fic, but are we going to see Sherlock's thoughts at all about this experience? Flashbacks? Dreams? I would say post-traumatic-stress, but it is Sherlock after all. Cheers! Keep up the brilliant writing and I will (hopefully) keep up the reviews!
John Mitchell chapter 4 . 11/30/2014
Are you insinuating that this is bad? I don't think it is, but maybe that is just the fan inside of me (guiltily) enjoying this fanfic where Sherlock is being beaten to a pulp and John is have a heck of a time trying to stop it. What can I say? I like angst, especially when it involves characters I'm attached to. I liked finally really getting a glimpse of what Sherlock is going through. Before I read the last chapter I want to tell you that whenever I read Moriarty's lines I can hear him speaking. I'm not sure if that is because you can write him convincingly or if I'm just weird, or maybe it's a combination of both. Cheers! (I didn't get this week of either. :( )
John Mitchell chapter 3 . 11/30/2014
I understand what you mean about the news. They seem to either cover stupid "stories" and/or the same ones over and over again. Really loving this. There is an air of suspense when I read it. I like Moriarty's personality. I feel like it is leaking through the phone. I wonder how many men it took to get a hold of Sherlock. Bet he put of a good fight. I'm going to continue reading now!
John Mitchell chapter 2 . 11/30/2014
Another great chapter! One note (and of course this is just my opinion, but personally) I think there might just be a tiny bit too much dialog. Don't get me wrong, I like dialog as much as the next, but I would love a teensy bit more description. However I do get that this is taking place over the phone so there isn't really much you could do. I agree that going to the press isn't really a bright idea, but it will probably work. Can't wait to see what's next!
John Mitchell chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
C.D. Wofford, sorry. I've been very busy and unfortunately unable to get internet access for a while, but it's back on and I have a lot of catching up to do. I checked up on you first and I see you have been very busy. I've glad you like my comment, I thought you'd think they were too long and really unhelpful or interesting at all. I love this chapter (and the story) so far. I think it was well balanced between dialogue and description. (But who am I to say?) I will continue reading and commenting. Cheers!
ChocolateSauce18 chapter 4 . 11/24/2014
(previously Superlock1967)
Wow Moriarty is one sick bastard isn't he XD Good chapter update soon! I didn't feel like logging in sorry :D
Arianka chapter 4 . 11/24/2014
Ok, sorry, but taking 500 000 dollars from a PIN machine in LONDON is a bit impossible. I mean, PIN machines in London would have pounds, not dollars. And I don't think any machine would have this much money, not to mention that PIN cards have daily limits. To get so much money from account, John would have to go to the bank and probably inform them in advace that he wants so much money, they would prepare it for him and then count it all in his presence... It doesn't make sense.
ChocolateSauce18 chapter 3 . 11/21/2014
Good chapter :D
rabbitaddict chapter 2 . 11/20/2014
Hi! Wonderful story! I happened to notice that in chapter 1, the man asked for 500,000 'dollars', and now in this chapter John says 500,000 'pounds'. The rest of it is great! This story is really out there, but you made it work really well! I found everyone in perfect character, and wonderful detail!
Wonderful story, and can't wait for you to post the rest!
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