Reviews for One Year
Guest chapter 9 . 2/22
Rest in Peace, dear one. I am forever grateful for your work and feel blessed having read it. You make a difference even away from this mortal plane. Much love to you.
jinxbadluck012 chapter 9 . 6/12/2019
I love the story please continue the story I can wait for update
London201516 chapter 9 . 5/16/2018
Great story! Please update when you can.
Violet chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
I read this fic almost 3 years ago. Tadashi and Elsa were my first otp and by now I've read tons of different fics and have different otps. Still to this day, this has been my favourite written piece. The story itself flows at such a nice, steady pace. Your characterizations of Tadashi and Elsa, their mannerisms, dialogues, everything is perfect! How you create a vivid scenery is so eloquently written. I'm obsessed. I still remember when I first stumbled upon this fic. I was still in university, hopelessly fangirling over Big Hero 6 and Frozen, and Elsa and Tadashi were my favourite characters. I squealed out loud in the student lounge with every cute little thing I read. I kept waiting for updates and would be thrilled to read the next chapter. It's funny how quickly time goes by but at the same time, this still has a special place in my heart as cheesy as it sounds haha. You're such a wonderful writer and I hope to see more of your works soon! Thanks for posting your work :)
biddle29 chapter 9 . 3/28/2016
I really enjoyed this so far! Its a great story!
Ren chapter 9 . 3/20/2016
I've been reading your fan fic since last year and I'm SO happy you're still continuing! 3 LUV IT!
anonymous chapter 5 . 1/5/2016
Ok, I never post reviews on sights like this, I usually read (often not even finishing because I don't like where the author is going or an other issue) and leave. But I'll make an exception this time, because this is one of the BEST fanfics I have ever read. Great job! Please keep going, I am waiting excitedly for part ten!
Sa-Shame8910 chapter 8 . 11/10/2015
this story is going to rip hearts out if Tadashi dies... And I thrive off tragedy so fingers crossed! Love the story!
Ethan Demas chapter 8 . 11/9/2015
I have to say, I like your interactions between Elsa and Tadashi, but sometimes Elsa seems a bit mental to be honest. I really enjoyed the piece with Hiro's point of view, it gave the story a little flare and a new perspective which is always interesting to see. Hope to see many more chapters in the future, and hopefull quite soon. The stories I like has the tendancy to either stop or update once in a blue moon.
fantasylover4evr chapter 8 . 11/7/2015
Oh my gosh! This was great, I hope Elsa uses her powers to save Tadashi, I mean he just can't die!
Ford.Ye.Fiji chapter 8 . 11/7/2015
You updated! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. This story is really good. Really really good. The ending was really sad... And it worked. I hope you update soon!
Mister Smallville chapter 7 . 7/29/2015
"Hey marc that cool story you were following just updated!cool!it ends with a cliffhanger!dang it"
Yin YueMing chapter 7 . 7/28/2015
argh This cliffy is killing me. I really can't wait to see what happens now. Will Elsa finally 'fess up about her powers? What about Yama and the others who now know(experienced) them? And now that it's getting toward movie plot(maybe?)...the fire. Happy ending, PLEASE, happy ending? I mean Elsa has ice powers, she can stop his death right?

Anyways, great work! I adore this pairing and I really cannot wait for the next chapter!
CloudMonkey chapter 9 . 7/28/2015
At the end I was like: dammit a cliffhanger haha. This is one of my favorite Elsa/Tadashi fanfics and this chapter was so exciting. I'm not sure if Tadashi will find out about Elsa's powers because you ended it with a cliffy (omg u tease) but whatever will be the case it will definitely be great. Poor Elsa and Tadashi. They want to be together but Elsa tries so hard so hard to control her feelings. Let it go, Elsa. Let it goooo.

I anticipate the next chapter. Until next time.
Sezony chapter 9 . 7/28/2015
Ooooh does this mean a reveal is coming up? Can't wait for that! Loving the story so far :) I'm going to have to reread it to refresh my memory though. Not that I mind! It's a very enjoyable read. Thanks for writing!
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