Reviews for The Iron Hills Mall
Tina chapter 1 . 3/18/2015
LOL Thranduil shopping on moose. I wondered the fate of the sportscar XD. I LOVE your Thrandy dwarves-phobia :)))
rohanyoshi chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
This is hilarious! I love this!
Pip the Dark Lord of All chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Verity Kindle chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
The ending is great #everybodyonboardthepArtymoose
Verity Kindle chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
This is so funny, my favorite part is where Thranduil tells Elrond he's buying a sports car. trying to be regal and shopping at the mall just don't go together.
LadyOfAnfalas chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Hilarious story. Those dwarves were some of your best moments.
Overlord Rousdower chapter 1 . 12/22/2014




'I want the pink one' ... that was the best line...

Partayking of Smirkwood couldn't possibly more in character...



Rousdower out_
BlackShaftedArro chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
Nicely done Lily! :D It was hilarious.
Mareth Ravenlock chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
I loved this story! It was absolutely hilarious. I enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for writing!
OneSizeFitsAll chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
This was hilarious! Just like everyone else, Tauriel's hairbrushes were my favourite part. :D
Thanks for starting out the FFCC with a bang! This is going to be tons of fun. :)
Dwarven Lass chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
There were too many funny parts to count in there- but I loved Thranduil meeting Elrond and Tauriel's stocking stuffers the best :D Looking forward to reading any more Christmas Hobbit stories if you post them.
Jedi Kay-Kenobi chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
Hahaha, this is absolutely hilarious! I love Tauriel buying a load of pink hairbrushes, and Thranduil demanding that he have the pink one before adopting his stoic professionalism again! Also imaining Leggolas and Tauriel in an SUV and Jepp, whilst Thranduil is on his moose is fantastic.

The Dwarves too! Ahh, what you have them doing is sooooooooooo cute!

Looking forward to more! :D
Thalion Estel chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
Goodness, that was so funny! You probably had a hundred good lines in there, whether it was Legolas pouting, Tauriel whining, or the Dwarves singing THAT Christmas song. What a hilarious idea; I can't wait for more of these stories!
Shyy-Ra chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
Lol, Thranduil is just epic. Poor guy-well, elf- having to deal with dwarves and last minute Christmas shopping. He needs a vacation.

Elrond was awesome too. "and Arwen gets this nice Elven jewel thingy on a chain..." That's the best line. XD
ThurinRanger chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
Yay! I am so excited for the Christmas countdown!(I've been waiting with excitement all December!)
By the Valar, I was laughing out loud the entire time, as always, your stories never disappoint.
Ai, Thranduil and his pink hairbrushes...XD...(the fact that Tauriel was buying hairbrushes as stocking stuffers is perfect)
I can't wait for ccgaylord's story tomorrow!
Merry Christmas,