Reviews for Something Good
Guest chapter 2 . 5/21
This is an amazing story. Not relevant, but I think I would have liked the yellow green and white dres better lol
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
PLEASEEEEE, don't tell me you drop this story because it's just AMAZING! Love ur writing ! Please please please continue this story !

Thanks :D
afolayan1997 chapter 5 . 6/6/2016
Hi! I really like this story. Do you plan on continuing it? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know. Keep up the good work! _
vintervittran chapter 5 . 12/30/2015
I really adore this story, you write so good! Malec is my OTP and I really love that you based the story on Sound of Music! :D I do hope that you haven't given up on this story, cause it is truly amazing! Please keep writing it!

PS. sorry if my english isn't the best, it's not my first language
Winter.Soul.95 chapter 5 . 9/16/2015
I just read your whole story and I have to say I absolutely love it! Please continue it!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/5/2015
Hey! I'm waiting for the next chapter for a long time, so I'm wondering, do you give up? I really like this story and I'm still waiting for more. Sorry for the horrible english, I'm Brazilian so it's not my language. Bye :)
Ashley-Fanfic-Reader chapter 5 . 7/6/2015
So wonderful! Please continue!
GePotter chapter 5 . 6/20/2015
Hey, new reader! I am Brazilian, so my English is horrible ( thanks google translator). Waiting impatiently for a new chapter.
P. S. Dying with the cuteness in this final scene. You write so well :)
Sholpikjana chapter 5 . 6/5/2015
Hey hey, when we can expect for updates? :) like ur FF very much :)
Sabrina318 chapter 5 . 5/11/2015
But is there going be Malec kiss apart
Spider and the Fly chapter 5 . 5/11/2015
thanks for the song's name!
JRLink chapter 5 . 5/9/2015
The song: "What a wonderful world" is really beautiful and I'm glad that you uses that song in this story. I missed this story so I was superhappy when I saw that you had updated, this chapter was really sweet. I look forward to the next one. Take care and I hope you have a nice weekend
The High Warlock of Glitter chapter 5 . 5/8/2015
Aww! Is it bad I almost cried?
I'm falling in love with this story faster than Alec's falling with Magnus!
The song you chose is so beautiful and fits the story pefectly. The moment Magnus started singing was so natural...
You know, somebody said that a great story you read is like a strange drug. You look at the letters and images pop up in your head.
I have the same feeling when I read your ff. Great work, really. Write soon cause I can't wait for the next part!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
I love this fic! I like how you take your time to develop the relationship between magnus and Alec - not to mention Alec was as blunt as ever in chapter 5. As for the show casting, the movie casted an older malec I hope the show does a better casting. Kevin and Godfrey didn't fit malec for me imo.
SwallowedByShadows chapter 5 . 5/8/2015
So glad Alec wasn't really fired and that Magnus hasn't proposed to Camille.. can't wait for the next chapter XD
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