Reviews for Headlong Toward Disaster
Guest chapter 33 . 8/11
When will you update this story missing it very much update soon
Guest chapter 33 . 7/19
I loved it,am so happy they're finally reconnected in every way.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/18
A great chapter full of Dawsey love and cute baby Jesse,loved it so much.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/15
Another great chapter, Matt was so sweet in reassuring Gabby how beautiful she is, am hoping there's a proposal coming soon? That would be great.
dawseysfight chapter 33 . 7/14
Ooh this chapter was amazing! Am so glad we finally get to see Dawsey like this! Am so glad they are getting closer again, spending some time together! I can’t wait to find out what’s going to be the next step! As for Jesse he is such a cutie, am glad he is better
Guest chapter 33 . 7/14
Loved it, they're finally together in every way, can't wait til the next chapter.
dawsonscasey chapter 33 . 7/13
SHELBY MA'AM, WE NEED TO TALK. Because why in the heck are you so amazing? Like, respectfully, what the fuck. This chapter was perfect, I truly loved every second of it. Well, aside from Jesse being sick, but even that, seeing Matt and Gabby take care of him was beyond precious. Seriously, they love that little boy so much and it's beyond sweet. And then their little night out at Molly's, it was so good to see that normalcy between them again, just hanging out together with their friends, and letting the house know about them, I loved it so much. Then, uh- the porn. Ma'am. Yes, more please. That is always encouraged. But the way Matt was with her, god it was just so sweet. I love these idiots so much.

As always, you knocked it out of the park. I can't wait for the next chapter, you're incredible and I love you.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/13
I loved it so much, Dawsey are finally back together and how adorable is baby Jesse, love this little family.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/13
please update very soon
1Chicagoswe chapter 33 . 7/13
This was so good loved it
Guest chapter 33 . 7/13
Such a great chapter, love how sweet and reassuring Matt is with Gabby, they are so in love with each other and their baby,they have a beautiful love story.
Guest chapter 33 . 7/13
Que capítulo incrível adorei tudo parabéns até próximo severide foi ótimo
noro chapter 33 . 7/13
Can't wait to read more please excellent writing
texterlover chapter 33 . 7/12
Aww I liked this chapter a lot... I really like the little dawsey moments
Guest chapter 32 . 6/30
Hope you update your stories soon miss them so much
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