Reviews for New allies, old enemies
Guest chapter 19 . 4/14
Please update soon please this is an awesome fanfic
Shiningpink chapter 9 . 4/14
You know I loved this episode because this was the first episode that truly showed Conner's naivete and innocence of him being only months old at this point. It was the only point in time where he was truly childlike in a sense, besides having temper tantrums every toddler has, for a moment he was like that small five year old kid who brought home a stray cat he found outside
MagicMyths chapter 10 . 11/12/2019
I'm just going to say that Dick from Young Justice never formed the Teen Titans, but I realize you had no way of knowing that back when you wrote this story. It's still an interesting idea though.
Uh, Dick is thirteen when the Team is formed. If you intended to change his age you should have said so at the beginning of the story.
MagicMyths chapter 9 . 11/12/2019
I think turning intangible would do more to decrease the heat than turning invisible, though you should look it up if you can to make sure.
Danny's new power would be empathy.
MagicMyths chapter 8 . 11/12/2019
I like this chapter. It's simple and relaxing.
MagicMyths chapter 7 . 11/12/2019
I'm glad you're putting Sam and Tucker in more. It was starting to feel like Danny didn't really keep in contact with them, which would be weird since they were such good friends for so long.
MagicMyths chapter 6 . 11/12/2019
Why did you make the Fenton Thermos have such a low containment capacity? I know it's limit was never specified, but with all the ghosts Danny was shown or said to have fought almost every day in most episodes, I'm almost positive the limit was a good bit more than five.
Oh, and 'bow staff' should be 'bo staff'.
MagicMyths chapter 4 . 11/11/2019
Shouldn't Superboy's identification code be B04, not C04?
I understand you don't want to change what happened too much from the original episode, and I do agree with that, but instead of giving Danny lines that originally belonged to another character, you should try to give him his own lines that add to the scene without really changing it.
Also, why would Danny stay on his bike instead of flying? At this point, he should be able to fly faster than the bike can go.
MagicMyths chapter 3 . 11/11/2019
I think this story is pretty good, but I feel you summarized and glossed over things too much in the first two chapters. It would have been better if there was more detail and if you went a little more in depth with everyone's emotions, particularly Danny's, since, you know, he just lost his loving and supportive parents.
Also, I don't think Batman would have agreed to let Danny keep using his first name as part of his hero name, so it probably would have been changed to just Phantom and since all the other proteges are being referred to by their hero names for this chapter, you should be doing the same for Danny.
Lastly, at the end when they were at Mount Justice, Danny should also have to wear sunglasses when he's in his human form, since it's public knowledge that he is one of Bruce Wayne's wards, which is also another reason why the others shouldn't be calling him Danny, much less know that his first name is Danny.
YukinaBlueRose chapter 18 . 11/10/2019
Um, if it's OFFICIAL that the Human/Living Zone is now Danny's territory, then he shouldn't have much trouble from ghosts anymore. At most, Skulker, and maybe Walker. (Oh, and any SUPER evil ones, for example Vortex and Pariah Dark.)
YukinaBlueRose chapter 17 . 11/10/2019
Two things.
1. Kid Flash probably shouldn't have been taken to the Far Frozen, or there should have at least been some kind of reaction to him being taken there, because Flash and Kid Flash are extremely sensitive to cold. It slows them down, a lot.
2. They just screwed up the Timeline, because future Robin said he had never been to the Ghost Zone, and you just brought past Robin to the Ghost Zone.
YukinaBlueRose chapter 15 . 11/10/2019
You have a lot of inconsistencies in this story.
YukinaBlueRose chapter 14 . 11/10/2019
Danny would never, and I mean NEVER, abandon the ghosts to the G.I.W. ! Yes, he protects the humans, but he protects the ghosts too! The G.I.W. are monsters that do experiments on ghosts! Danny would NEVER let that be done to ANYONE! The fact that Danny was afraid, before he left for the mission, that it might be a trap so they could experiment on him, shows that they already knew what kind of people the G.I.W. are. So, them being surprised that the G.I.W. did what they did, doesn't make since. O:(
YukinaBlueRose chapter 12 . 11/10/2019
Again, Dick is 13.
Also, Tucker has known for a LONG time that Sam and Danny like each other.
YukinaBlueRose chapter 10 . 11/10/2019
Um, obviously you can do what you want, it IS your story, but since I am also free to do what I what, I'm going to point a few things out.
In YJL Season 1 Robin is 13, and in Season 2 he's 18 and goes by Nightwing. Also, I'm fairly certain Teen Titans is a different dimension, not a different point in the Timeline.
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