Reviews for Pictures In A Book
JoAnne chapter 3 . 10/9/2016
This was a great story and wonderful for Killian's character development, of all the characters on the show he has grown & changed so much. It is brilliant to see the evolution.
rational chapter 3 . 7/21/2016
I'm so happy Killian finally got over his fear and actually looked at his book. Reliving all that pain...poor Killian. But such a great moment when he read about Milah's death and it fired up his desire to kill Rumpelstiltskin again, but then he thought of Emma, and put it aside. I loved when Emma found him and he had been wishing she'd been there with him for quite awhile anyway, and him admitting that there really wasn't much there she didn't already know. Of course reading his story didn't do anything to convince him that it's a hero's story, that's totally Killian. But Belle making clear that it IS, and she's read a lot of stories, so she would know, that was really wonderful.
rational chapter 2 . 7/20/2016
It's heartbreaking how afraid Killian is to read his own story. I loved Emma making clear to him that any story about him will show his love, devotion, and loyalty, not just his mistakes, because that's who he is.
rational chapter 1 . 7/20/2016
Killian recognizing Milah's drawings and being assaulted by memories of the distant past had me feeling overcome, as well. Emma realizing what was happening was wonderful, as was Belle saying that she had taken the book out of circulation.
PastOneonta chapter 3 . 3/19/2016
This is wonderful, it's a brilliant capture of Killian past, present and future through his book. Love his relationship with Emma and Belle, very nice.
TutorGirlml chapter 3 . 5/5/2015
I loved this conclusion to the story! It made sense that Killian would go to the docks to be near the water when he fully read his story - and that he would want to be alone at first. Though I also liked Emma coming to find him, and then reading with him, and their teasing each other over that kiss in Neverland.

My favorite part though was his going to talk to Belle at the end. (I'm still totally amused by his distrust of the internet, and I liked that you worked that in. :) But I really loved that he still doesn't see himself as a hero, but is glad for the faith that Belle, and of course Emma, and others too, are putting in him. His desire to live up to it and prove himself worthy is part of what I love so much about him!

Lovely job altogether! :)
mryddinwilt chapter 3 . 4/30/2015
FINALLY getting around to reading this. Can I just say that I love your complete and utter handle on everything Killian Jones, his reactions, his thoughts, his speech pattern. It's all so in character! I also enjoyed your pop-up book shout out. And your setting descriptions make me want to work on mine! I loved this.
TutorGirlml chapter 1 . 4/22/2015
This is such a neat concept, and I really would love to see Killian's storybook, if each of them having one were to really be a thing on the show.

I loved how Belle called them and was so excited to show him his story. As much as she loves books and learning, I can see her being thrilled that each resident has their own story recorded and loving the search to find each one and discover the style the words have been recorded in for each person.

I most enjoyed the end of this first chapter though. She is getting to know Killian well enough, and is sensitive enough to perhaps sense some reservations in him - and literary enough to appreciate what his story really symbolizes - so I love the words she offers him. "Killian, it's a great story you know. A hero's of the best ones I've ever read."
OnceSnow chapter 3 . 4/14/2015
Very clever idea, well executed,
Invisible Observer 3 chapter 3 . 4/11/2015
I love this and thanks for the Captain Book. I wonder if they will go more into the books now that the Author is out. I can't wait to read more by you.
EreshkigalGirl chapter 3 . 4/11/2015
How lovely! You know, as soon as August revealed that the Author wasn't just a person, it was a job, my first thought was, "Henry!" He'd make a great next Author. And yes, I think he'd add pop-ups and interactive bits to his book. The post-Curse world needs an Author to tell their story, too.
SpartanGuard chapter 3 . 4/11/2015
Oh, this was fantastic! Really enjoyed what you did with it. :)
leiasky chapter 3 . 4/11/2015
LAST chapter? Say it ain't so! I love this idea that they've all got storybooks out there and I've very much enjoyed the tale with Killian's. He has so much rich history. I want to see a spinoff series with him when OUAT finally ends (in 10 yrs or so... lol).

Maybe they can find Emma's (much thinner...?) book next...?
Mrs-N-Uzumaki chapter 3 . 4/11/2015
I loved Belle and Killian's conversation at the end, especially the part "But do you see that your story is more than the horrible things you've done?". It's a great reflection on Killian's comment of his story being "ten-volumes", because all he can highlight and exaggerate from his tale are the not-so-heroic things he's done, instead of focusing on the good things and the underlying means of his story - redemption. As Belle said, his tale is inspiring, not cautionary.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
It's amazing! Can't wait for the next part!
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