Reviews for Celebrations
Rakshasha chapter 1 . 8/14/2017
Oh, I love it! It leaves me with this nice, warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest, so peaceful and nice and filled with friendship those three have, truly beautifuly written. I was surprised at first that it's from Gimli's POV, but then it felt right and his toughts on his companions were so heartfelt and his appreciation for them was so warming, I was smiling to myself the whole time. Really great work, there's not a single thing I didn't like about this. King Elessar again as the Ranger he is, Legolas being, well, Legolas, as you said, and in the best way possible, Gimli's thoughts, Eomer so enhustiastic about this day turning into festives, truly amazing. Everything and everyone on point, I really don't know what else I can say. The moment Gimli thought about Legolas and feeling in his place by his side, oh my, heartwarming, I love the friendship beetwen those two and you captured it so nicely.
And the ending was perfect. Really love it, amazing work.
Hawaiichick chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
I loved getting to see the 3 Hunters in a more relaxed fun atmosphere. This was a lovely little day spent between the three and such a fun read (especially when the human and dwarf shows off their elf). ;)
DaughteroftheValar1701 chapter 1 . 7/6/2016
eeee this is so cute! I love this so much. I can just imagine ninja-legolas shooting the clay/bell out of the sky. Much love.
TiaKisu chapter 1 . 5/1/2015
Oh, this was splendid! Such a wonderful read - light-hearted, joyous and simply perfect.

I loved the humour in this which did not only come with Gimli's observations (I adore his thoughts on Éomer's armour) but also with the interaction between the three friends and Aragorn's frustration. I can just picture him - clad all casually because he thinks this is just a small thing where he can be the Ranger he truly is, and then it turns out to be a huge celebration with the entire population of Minas Tirith there. No wonder he despairs a little of this.

Èomer is a fine man indeed, and so very enthusiastic. He clearly enjoys seeing his people be happy and it seems his good mood is quite infectious. The Three Hunters do deserve a day like this and it is so much fun following them as the festivity progresses.
This is not the first time Aragorn was able to manipulate Legolas and it makes me laugh every time because Gimli is always kind of envious of this skill.

Mentioning how you protray the characters amazingly well is something which feels really redundant to do, since I believe I say that every time I review one of your works. But then again it simply is true so I will continue saying it.

Thank you so much for this brilliant little tale. I truly loved reading it!
Brightpath2 chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
:) this was so nice. I loved having the three of them together, since that really hasn't happened much in Silence.
Great story!
ziggy3 chapter 1 . 3/23/2015
I have to apologise for falling behind with reading your wonderful works first of all and then to say how utterly delightful this is. One of the best I have read. It is beautiful.
vanillawod chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
Thanks for the 3 b-day gifts! Very good, very fun :)
Tamuril2 chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
*sighs* The fluff...*dreams of Legolas*...
Archiril chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
Good day to you I am sorry I have been absent - I got quite busy on tumblr, to be honest, and even though I kept following your stories, I somehow never got to reading them.
However, I do need some distraction now, and my, such a treat to come back with! A lighter fic, exactly what I needed, but still with the ingenuity that you possess. It is very hard to write a good story in a silent scene such as a day of celebration, without a real, classic plot, and yet again, your writings do not bore me for even a moment. Thank you so much for writing these stories for us! I swear, if it was legal to sell fan fiction, I'd probably buy your book. Thank you!
Zardi chapter 1 . 3/21/2015
Hah! I love how bewildered Legolas is when they ask him to shoot the clay balls. He is so adorably clueless at times, despite having been closely acquainted with a man for decades. I guess that just can't undo millennia of living solely around elves. I love his comment comparing Thranduil and Aragorn also, though I have always thought the woodelves have more of a healthy respect for Thranduil, rather than fear. Sort of how you respect a large wild animal basking peacefully in the sun. XD I have confidence that Aragorn can achieve that too, especially having history and prophecy on his side. :)

Gimli is the perfect tie between Legolas and Aragorn, being completely unperturbed by either of their moods. He may not have quite the ability that Aragorn does to influence Legolas, but I think he does pretty well, especially after all they are going through in Silence. (Also, note to self: start reading Cheekybeak's reviews .)

Thanks for the fics! Can't wait for your next update :D
cheekybeak chapter 1 . 3/21/2015
Loved it, loved it, loved it! Your three Hunters are perfect. They really are. This was my favourite story of the three. All the nuances between these guys are just right.
Aragorn complaining, Legolas sulking, Gimli being Gimli.

Loved Aragorn being able to manipulate Legolas out of a state of fury with just a glance and a touch. He is SO good at that!
And É funny!

It really was so light and upbeat, it is a bit sad knowing we have to take them back to the horrible situation they are in right now in "Silence" ...but having said that, can't wait for an update.
This has been a great weekend, a story from you every day. What could be better!

P.s. You know all you have done is convince me that I need more of your Three Hunters...more and more and more. I think I could never have enough of these three guys!