Reviews for Tacos, Spider-suits and Sex
The Baroness chapter 17 . 6/14
Very fun, very fluffy. Loved it!
NinjaBambi13 chapter 1 . 4/5
I dropped my taco I freaking died!
Akane chapter 17 . 12/8/2019
Thank you so much for this fic, I'm SHAKING. So if I ever do a fanart of your story I'll let you know because it's super nice and, yeah. I love them 3
Guest chapter 17 . 10/10/2019
A very good ending, I just wish that there was even more to the story. It started with sex but it got a storyline and I love that
LonesomeChimera chapter 1 . 7/31/2019
Really great job!
zingara1 chapter 17 . 7/28/2019
The roses are red thing at the top was good. :)
Guest chapter 11 . 6/9/2019
Love the Gryffindor joke.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/9/2019
I like how you make the characters sound so much like the real like you study their type of speech or something.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/7/2019
Ah...the joys of the forth wall.
Hu chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
How could they eat and kiss with masks on
idiot chapter 14 . 4/30/2019
Fanfiction4ever chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
Looooved it!
Scripturient16 chapter 17 . 2/7/2019
This was great!
AliceCullen3 chapter 17 . 1/7/2019
DuCali chapter 11 . 12/21/2018
Deadpool is a Hufflepuff. There was a comic book that crossed universes, and has been accepted as cannon.
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