Reviews for The Other Hand
dairxoxo chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
untapdtreasure chapter 1 . 5/14/2015
Heavy. Gosh. This is s wonderful piece. Most are from her pov so this is so good.
Symphony's Feather chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
What the heck. How does this only have three reviews.

This piece . . . I was just sort of like YUUUSSSS the whole time. This is such a good insight into Banner's mind. Are you a psychologist? You should be a psychologist. For superheroes. Then maybe Bruce could get his stuff in line.

I digress. Anyway - I love the ice and fire combo you have going on, and the part about Clint's house, how he wants to be normal and envies Clint's own. And this line -

"Revenge is the closest thing to sanity I have"

- was GORGEOUS. Seriously, I love it. And just everything you do with words: you have a very "brief" style of writing; not curt, exactly; Very short and precise.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
This is so sincere, raw and true! I like tee way we have it as if Bruce is just thinking inside his head! Thank you very much! I hope to read Natasha's point of view))
Bob the Flying Monkey chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
I love this. It is beautiful and well done. You really had a grasp of their pain without making it whiny. Job well done indeed.

CloudCuckooLandHasAQueen chapter 1 . 5/10/2015
Poor Bruce. The worst thing for him to think is that Natasha was faking it the entire time. That would definitely be worse than her hating him. I loved this. It was almost like a letter.