Reviews for Stepping On Worm
Volendi chapter 15 . 8/6
I've gotten abused too, by my mother and aunts... problem is, they'll be really sweet, until all of a sudden they are really cruel... and ofc it's all my fault they're being this way. I completely understand where you're coming from, it seems like our society is built on a "bullying culture". You are easily one of the best authors on this site, up there with Ozallos, Sunshine Temple, Silently Watches, and a couple of others. I can see where people would react strongly to what you write sometimes, but they need to get over it. You have your own views, and society seems to have forgotten that everybody is entitled to their own views. I am trans, yet have never ever taken offense at your stories' parts where the character says they're against being gay. Even if you share your characters' views (and they are CHARACTERS, so should have their own views, as shaped by their own experiences), I would not take offense.
You are entitled to your beliefs, as I am mine. Your stories have been an inspiration for me, and have helped me get through some tough times, just by being there. Hoping you'lre safe and well in this horrible pandemic, and that you'll come back at some point... and looking forward to seeing more of Skysaber, the interdimensional superspy and adventurer!
jon reeve chapter 6 . 7/5
/Okay, this is clearly crack, so I withdraw any criticisms to this particular work that would be inapproriate when discussing crack content.

/Man, I would have burned a lot less brain power, and enjoyed reading this more, if I knew it was crack from the start.

/Either way, I'm just whiling the hours away until I have stuff to do.
jon reeve chapter 5 . 7/5
/So, my first review was obviously meant for the first chapter.

/I continued reading and there's some funny stuff and some weird stuff.

/Seems you went to research Worm a bit more after that first chapter, maybe. The beginning of Worm fics tend to be the rockiest part, but you seem intent on carrying that same vibe throughout the fic. You also throw out the word 'evil' a lot.

/I guess people are just not used to people with non-popular opinions sticking to their guns the way you have.

/I still deriving some small sense of pleasure from reading this, but I'm not sure if I want it to rise out of the garbage or not.

/I'm gonna have to go re-read your other stories, because I'm pretty sure I liked them to higher degree, even when your characters went off on weird author tracts.
jon reeve chapter 2 . 7/5
/Funnily enough, I started reading this fic because it had your name. I've ran across some of your other accounts, even the newest one, I think, and I actually like some of your stories.

/Sure, you have some shitty opinions, mostly borne by ignorance fueled by a sheltered life, but if you ignore those, you can write some decent enough stuff. Your Lockhart story is at least in the top 5 of Lockhart fics.

/That said, this first chapter displays arrogance of self and ignorance of the source material. Worm is not a fandom that you can jump into without the source material, or at least some fics with strong canonical elements. That's like trying to write a Superman fic without knowing who Luthor is, or what kryptonite is, or that Clark is actually an alien lifeform. You done goofed.

/As to the cyber-bully thing, I would have to agree. I never saw that much of a reason for all the hate you've gotten over the years. That's not to say you have acted the best, and I have personally seen some of the douchy shit you've said in response to people that didn'r mean any harm. Your own 'Greg Veders,' so to speak. So over all these years, you haven't been conpletely innocent either. Just like (cribbing off your example, again) how Taylor became Skitter and could not wholly blame everyone else.

/So, you are a disabled person with an entire disabled family that you seem to have been integral in the care of. That sheds some light on some of the stress and issues you may have been going through, but as you said, we don't have physical access to you; we can't see you, and your words have not always been indicative of what you claim.

/Anyway, while I agree that you (and some of your stories) have been treated unfairly, I don't think you are as blamless as you try to present yourself while pulling the disabled card.

/I've enjoyed several of your stories over the years and hope you are able to find balance as some of these jerks get tired of harrassing all of your accounts.

/I think I've rambled enough and this chapter still stinks.
Matthias von Schwarzwald chapter 12 . 4/27
Transdimensional Spell (*Complete Arcane*)?
FanBoy01 chapter 15 . 4/15
This needs work.
FanBoy01 chapter 12 . 4/15
Batman? Flash? What?
obscurereader chapter 1 . 2/17
Oh god, this is so cringy, it's magnificent. I didn't think you'd out cringe your HP story, but maybe there is potential here.
Indulge This One chapter 15 . 2/2
I have read your stories before, and I consider them quite a pleasure; there's just something about smashing a rotten structure apart to make way for the better. It's been that way since time immemorial, and it will continue to be so.

Most people probably didn't appreciate Alexander the Great steamrolling over them in the days of yore, but to this day we till remember him as the man who radically expanded the ancient Greek world and eventually was why the Roman Empire was as great as it was.

While some of your chapters can get a bit tedious, I appreciate that you put in some world-building. Sort of like expecting a cake but coming away with an ice cream, but the cake is action and the ice cream is world-building. Not the best analogy, but it works.

I've seen many of the comments deriding you as a madman, to put it lightly. It... really confuses me, because that's the point of creative writing. You take a premise, you explore that premise, and sometimes that premise runs away from you.

Heck, sometimes it's the ACCIDENTS that lead to even greater discoveries, like the invention of penicillin.

What I'm trying to say here is that... you saw something in those stories that you liked, and your writing is your way of exploring that premise-to dig around the clay and make something of it. Art is based on the artist's take and taste, so why not writing?

But here's the thing: To be an artist is to continuously evolve and grow, to see the world from a different angle. Some do it slowly, some do it quickly-it's their pace, they can set it. A lot of people DEFINITELY could have been infinitely more cordial when they criticized you... but they had legitimate concerns.

As much as it annoys me, I'm not going to reject an opinion out of hand solely because the way it was presented to me was asinine. Some of the best criticism I got was from reviews given in rude, asinine ways.

In Worm, I hold a special hatred for Carol Dallon. If there's a fic where her dreams are crushed, her mistakes are rubbed in her face, and her sins broadcast to the world, you can bet your ass that I'll be looking for that fic, and I'll read it with RELISH.

Do you think I don't know how GOOD it feels to crush others under my heel? Do you think I love even MY father after years of fearing him? He once beat me with a stick because I forgot my ruler at school. I was seven. That is the least of his offenses to me, to say nothing of how he treats my mother.

I LIVE for the day I can tell him to his face that the cutesy nickname I've called him since I was twelve was because that very day, I REJECTED him as my father. For YEARS, I called him that nickname instead of "Dad". I will see his face, and I will smile, knowing that my revenge has been served.

But abuse isn't a contest. Leaving aside how Wildbow could hardly give Taylor Hebert a backstory of nothing BUT abuse without being called out for making a Mary Sue, I'm sure that she'd rather not win the contest of "Who Has Been Shit On The Most?". In fact, I'd say she'd rather NOT enter that contest in the first place.

That you treat it as such says Bad Things about your situation.

I'm sorry your father was an a-hole.

I'm sorry Enoch died from a broken heart.

I'm sorry Adam is blind.

I'm sorry that life kicked you in the balls, seemingly for no other reason than it could.

I'm sorry your family life was shit, that my condolences can do nothing for you, that your joy of writing is tainted by what you see as attacks and bullying, that the people who love you unconditionally are slowly leaving you piece by piece.

But you will ignore this like all the other reviews. You will take it as mockery, despite not being meant as such, because that is who you are.

And perhaps... that is the greatest tragedy of all.
Elmoslayer569 chapter 8 . 1/19
I am so fucking confused what is happening
PLEASE READ ME chapter 6 . 12/18/2019
Soo jairid played as Sonic the hedgehog.
Fizzfaldt chapter 7 . 12/11/2019
No. Just No. First impression was correct. Run away screaming from this story.
Fizzfaldt chapter 6 . 12/11/2019
I'm happy with the relatively logical progression explaining how you could keep a mostly recognizable world. I was about to quit the story but then I saw your explanations re: Heartbreaker/... and I'm happy I gave it another chance.

I'm also fine with the AU including magical elements... you're the author. Given that you've added magical elements, I guess I'm fine with shards accidentally connecting you to those elements... but my SOD is stretched too much when that magical area is almost exactly what L33T designed it to be. I guess I want a lantern hung or an explanation at some point of why that happened...

I'm unhappy with some of the teases... you found some way to make magical items without xp loss.. and then no explanation at all. I get that a full explanation of all your munchkinry would take up a lot, but I'd prefer hearing at least a tiny bit for each major thing. Hopefully that's coming.

Also your character (don't know if it's really an SI as in personality similar to yours or not) seems awfully happy to kill people with (apparently) little thought. I'd have expected at least a few words (did I miss them?) about being ok with killing people. I'm fine with the MC killing people (in stories) but it's annoying when I don't get anything about their thought process/motivations in doing it. I wonder if something is messing with their thought process...

That being said, re: your author's notes... Anonymous author does not automatically mean public use. See commons. wiki/Commons:Anonymous_works
Furthermore, that poem is not as anonymous as you think: /2017/04/21/do-not-quit/
Granted that, it looks like it's old enough that it has entered public domain anyway but not due to being anonymous.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/2/2019
Powerless, penniless it's not possible to even survive let alone fix anything. Unless you have the best power 'plot armor'
jlnorris75 chapter 15 . 11/30/2019
My answer to online bullying is always to ignore them I know some people can't do that so I hope you calling on God helps love the story hope you finish it would love to see more of your others updated an my prayers for your family
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