Reviews for Merging Pathways
Guest chapter 22 . 7/21
This is a great story ! cant wait to read more :)
Mel72000 chapter 22 . 7/19
Thank you for this chapter !
Marvel17 chapter 22 . 7/18
Great chapter!
Marvel17 chapter 21 . 7/11
Awesome chapter!
Mel72000 chapter 21 . 7/11
Thank you for this chapter. I begin to understand Zuko t don't take tea : it clearly not good for common sense... Iroh is a xell o wisdom, but this mistake...Spirits...
Always Keep the Faith chapter 18 . 7/6
Plot b. I don't mind the deviation from Canon as long as personalities don't change. We've all watched ATLA(prob more than once...) And know the story. It's nice to see something different.
Mel72000 chapter 20 . 7/5
Thank you for this chapter !
Guest chapter 20 . 7/5

Your story is amazing! I can't wait to read more!
Marvel17 chapter 20 . 7/5
moodygoody chapter 20 . 7/4
Thank you! I really enjoy how your story goes, it's just right.
StarlightSoulWriting chapter 19 . 7/2
Everytime I watch the show I somehow always convince myself that this time around appa wont get stolen. It just breaks my poor little heart, you know?
Anyway, I really like how you depicted the avatar state from toph's more limited pov, it's not something I've seen done before.
Although, I might go through the chapter one last time with a fine tooth comb, cause there are a few places of typos and dropped words. And I got confused cause it said the sister in law was "probably ten years younger" than aang when I think you meant older lol. Doesn't ruin anything for me but I figured you would want to fix that
Thank you so much for the update, I love how much Kataras being gone from the group is changing things, and how the zutara dynamic is fleshing itself out as we go. Very well done. :)
snowcloud8 chapter 19 . 6/29
OMG wow! TWO updates in one weekend! Hot dog!

I like what you did with the two brothers, rather than just repeat exactly what went down with the professor and the sandbenders (also really like that we got clarity that Team Avatar actually was escorted out of the desert by sandbenders rather than just left to their own devices). I also like Toph being attracted to casinos. That is kinda hilarious to me, especially since Miss Rule Breaker becomes part of the police force in LoK. XD
Vostok2142 chapter 19 . 6/29
Good stuff! Will you be diverging from canon story beats or following it?
FuLiNa chapter 19 . 6/29
I’ve Ben thoroughly enjoying this story. I like how you haven’t rushed into any relationships but moving them along a nature pace with character growth. I can’t wait to see where it goes. Will you Jet still show up? I must admit that I am looking forward to such and interaction and have been snickering to myself envisioning it
StarlightSoulWriting chapter 2 . 6/28
Rereading for the update and I think I cried last time too. Well written sadness
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