Reviews for Death's Power
Guest chapter 12 . 4/16
Read Harry's family from Pottermore and rewrite this again.
Harry and Tonks do not have to practice inbreeding.
Leroy519 chapter 12 . 1/23
Please continue
Okami no Shinigami chapter 12 . 1/16
I think it's funny how all these people who haven't written a Fick in their history on this site like to give authors hell about using things that really could have happened like the rape with Lockhart who knows if it happened he was a master at Obliviation and of course until Harry's body is capable of handling his full power he's going to be wary of Dumbledore so if you can't write a fake don't give people who actually have the balls to do it hell minor anticide I have to say that I have enjoyed this Fick and I do hope that you continue it
Jaysto chapter 12 . 12/21/2019
Hope you find your way back this story has been amazing so far
TOR1N chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
great story hope u cont.
demonboy121986 chapter 8 . 12/6/2019
was gping pretty good till you had to be a little bastard and involve rape... Really? It killed the story and I for one am soooo happy you don't conti ue it shit stain.
Home World Security chapter 12 . 10/23/2019
A great story. Looking forward to more.
NarutosBrat chapter 2 . 6/1/2019
Pretty sure Cain killed Abel with a stone, and it was Samson using the jawbone of an ass for the 1K kill streak.
Sonia25 chapter 5 . 4/27/2019
Pathetic ff harry was trained by Merlin and death yet he fears albus fucking dumbledor the guy who is as evil as voldmert who decided that he has the right for harry to die and harry is doing nothing and sharing about his training with tonks like fucking really u have to be one mother fucking writter to write such disgusting ff what's the point of sharing those secrets ? Pathetic really and what's the point of having trained ? Asshole if u can't write don't try to write such shit ever
coco29 chapter 12 . 3/14/2019
Interesting how far this will go.
Maybe if you continue the story gave Voldemort more power or let him escape a few times if you want to make the story longer. The question do you continue this story?
Guest chapter 12 . 1/27/2019
Must have more
theangrychef chapter 8 . 12/2/2018
Yeah dropping this here
hunzbookwyrm chapter 12 . 10/18/2018
Great story hope to see more soon.
joshuaosman123456789 chapter 12 . 9/9/2018
Pls tell me there is more
Elijah Knightz chapter 12 . 9/8/2018
wicked I like this story so are
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