Reviews for The Mansion of Memories
Trillian75 chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
I really like this short piece. It's unique, but very in-character. I've always wondered why the Kaibas continue to live in the mansion after Gozaburo's death, and if the house would be full of painful reminders. Perhaps they didn't choose to live there after the series ended after all. I really like Mokuba's idea at the end.

My only constructive criticism is that you used the wrong "callus" near the end of the story. It should be "callous" for the adjective-"callus" is the spelling for thickened skin. Yeah, English is a weird language. But, great story!
lalalei chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
Awwwww. This was really sweet! I'm sure Noah would really appreciate that gesture :) Kinda weird to think of the Kaibas without a mansion, though. Then again you usually see them at KaibaCorp anyway XD