Reviews for It is
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2016
So glad you are back writing. I hope you will finish your stories.
darkaccalia520 chapter 1 . 2/25/2016
Wow, I'm not sure what to say to this... I suppose this could go for any character, but I suspect there's a double meaning here.

I really loved the themes present here. I love the itch metaphor; that works so well. I also adore the dark/light theme as well, along with the shallow/deep metaphor.

You have me wondering if this is an apology of sorts, though. I can't help but notice all your stories have gone missing. While I'm no stranger to deleting stories, I don't think you owe us an apology. I'm more sorry you felt the need to do so.

I hope you are doing well, but at the end of the day, this site is a hobby. There are people here with many different stories, navy different skill sets. You've seen my earlier works. How did your eyes not bleed, lol? My point is I've learned a thing or two along the way and am still learning.

I'm not sure what prompted the deletion, per se. Maybe you're just saying you're too busy to work in them right now, and that's okay, too. Still, I hope one day, you do have the time. This fandom is dying. We need all the writers we can get.

Regardless, this was a well-written and deep story. I enjoyed, despite my concerns for you. :)