Reviews for Headmaster Snape
PearlM21 chapter 20 . 7/21
Great job with this. It really highlights the struggles he went through when he was in charge. Voldy was calling him way too much!
myusername123 chapter 1 . 7/7
I liked how Snape was quite bitter and sour towards Harry till the very end. I never really pondered how Snape would have felt about Harry announcing Snape's secrets publicly but I feel like your version is very convincing. It was entertaining, had a great laugh. Thanks for the story
Guest chapter 21 . 10/31/2019
Loved it! Though i hate snape's death. Wish he could get a second chance at life!
iAgyeya chapter 21 . 6/25/2019
I loved it so much! It had me smiling, laughing, cackling wildly, sad, tense even though i knew how it would end. Just beautiful. Keep writing! Thank you for this gift. Kudos!
Sawyer chapter 20 . 1/4/2019
Calling it voldy almost messed the whole chapter
Guest chapter 7 . 10/18/2018
slytherin4life chapter 10 . 9/2/2018
Snape's password is "Lily"... My heart just broke
Guest chapter 5 . 8/28/2018
if they weren't under such a dark cloud the exchange between mcgonagall and snape would be pretty hilarious
4LJ chapter 20 . 6/8/2018
So, it looks like this last chapter got away from me!
And honestly, what a chapter!
After the thoroughly depressing (although entirely expected) conclusion to Severus Snape’s (SS) admittedly miserable life, how uplifting to read about a scenario where he might finally have ended up happy!
Particularly at a time when I’m a little down in the mouth at the prospect of SS initially venturing into Voldemort’s clutches in a little project of my own...
With regards to the Chapter itself: Nice touch to have SS retain certain elements of his character viz. his default snarkiness. Secondly, perhaps it’s understandable that it would be Lily that was first to receive him, but one does feel a sense of heartbreak at the thought of unrequited love on his part, especially upon the appearance of James Potter...
Perhaps Lily and Dumbledore would have made more light of a difficult situation, where Lily would vanish (after the I forgive you part) and SS could resume his love-hate relationship with his mentor, insofar that both are great intellectuals and Dumbledore would be ‘less of a dunderhead’ than most others...
Sigh... You’re the author, and all credit to you regardless, because the salient point here is that it takes talent and imagination to change a person’s perspective, and you have really reshaped my world view on SS, something not even JKR herself could manage!
Spankin’ job!
knopflerpettybowie chapter 21 . 7/2/2017
I loved this story! just one small thing: Ginny's full name in Ginevra, not Ginerva
Guest chapter 12 . 3/22/2017
Also,its G-I-N-E-V-R-A not G-I-N-E-R-V-A
Guest chapter 20 . 12/27/2016
This was such a great story, that this chapter doesn't live up to it. Sorry to say, but yeah, Snape's distress is "entertaining" and the only character development we see is that Lily now feels free to smile openly while Potter mocks him. All is well, huh? Very disappointing.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/28/2016
This is so depressing, but can it become canon? Please?
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
This is just so painful to read - Snape alienated from his fellow teachers, having to terrify the children for their own safety - I could go on, but you wrote the chapter and you know how it went ;) I just want to say that it was excellently done.
Lucrecia LeVrai chapter 20 . 11/10/2016
Very well done, not dry and not overdone, either. I liked the "no nonsense" approach on both Snape's and yours, the author's, part. To me, Snape remained IC: thoroughly task-oriented and not overly sentimental, he didn't dwell on his emotions much (other than anger, at least) - but I had no doubt that the emotions were there, somewhere, and his role - utterly painful and taking its heavy toll on him. I really enjoyed his every exchange with Dumbledore's portrait, though given the circumstances, I found them all sad instead of humorous. Heck, I even got a little teary-eyed at the moment of Snape's death. It was only the epilogue with Lily and James that threw me off a bit, but that's mostly due to the fact that I find the idea of eternal afterlife both boring and disturbing, and having the Lily-James-Severus merry love-triangle go on for eternity is also kinda creepy, just like the notion that the dead are able to observe the living's every move (like, every time Harry decides to pick up his nose, his mom is there to watch? oh, hell).
But I digress. That was a really good story, thank you so much for sharing.
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