Reviews for Baby Steps
Shadow.SSJ chapter 16 . 2/4/2017
Very good story. I had a lot of fun reading it. Thanks for sharing with us! :D
darthniel20 chapter 16 . 1/14/2017
So cute! I love this fic so much... It is a shame that there isnt more fic like this :/
Guest chapter 16 . 1/7/2017
i loved it!
Man, that Mirai is good! It's a seriously awesome story, I'm annoyed that its finished
alucard77 chapter 16 . 12/18/2016
A big disappointment was this story. I regret reading it from the beginning you created it.
Prescripto13 chapter 16 . 12/16/2016
It's as if Mirai is rooting for a new sibling, lol! X-D
DeruMaru chapter 16 . 12/16/2016
Asdgasfhafg 3 that's sooooo cute! It was really nice how you complement your story with the epilogue of the manga itself ...I will start to follow more of your stories! :3 and thaaaaaanks3 for the one-shot! I would like something wiiiiith sango and sesshomaru from inuyasha! :3 aadhafagsg!
okami amaterasu chapter 16 . 12/16/2016
You never seem to disappoint and it was pretty funny i've already checked out in the dark night and commented on it I'll see you in the next story and *cue sunset* you get the famous guy thumbs up and smile.
alucard77 chapter 15 . 12/6/2016
Wait a lot to see how you finish the story. It was a disappointment for me. Comment from the first chapter and end without anything romantic and without any feeling. I'm disappointed.
Prescripto13 chapter 15 . 12/6/2016
Loved the close of this chapter!
okami amaterasu chapter 15 . 12/6/2016
*squee* thank you and this chapter had me waiting in anticipation but I know good work takes a while. So in short I loved the chapter! See you on the next chapter.
DeruMaru chapter 15 . 12/6/2016
OMGGGG! I was sooooooo exited when I see the update! (I checked eeeevery day!) it's a REALLY REALLY good chapter and it has A LOT of information in a "short" chap... I do like the ambiguous way you let the kakakure relationship be, I hope you the best on your tests and keep writing! You got a way in that!
DeruMaru chapter 1 . 12/1/2016
Hello! Pleasee keep updating soon :)!
alucard77 chapter 14 . 11/1/2016
termies hope the story well. He also had potential but have little imagination.
Jaroslav Lewis chapter 14 . 10/31/2016
Hahaha I see EXO members in the story. Loljk.
I love how the story's going. However I feel like some parts are rushed. It's so sad that this story's abput to end. I was hoping to read more.
okami amaterasu chapter 14 . 10/31/2016
I love when stories take these types of turns as long as some people stay alive. I loved this chapter can't wait for more action. And like your problem when looking for stories about kakahi and mirai I can never find stories on gaara taking care of a wolf kid. Not his own but maybe a kid with a rare kekei genkei. It just seems pretty cool. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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