Reviews for The Truth Be Told
lilgurlgreen chapter 1 . 11/21/2007
Awesome! About time Alec let Max have it. Great job!
McWicca chapter 1 . 7/3/2007
ABOUT TIME! Max needed her ass handed to her in a big way.
Trinity Day chapter 1 . 4/16/2007
You know, I'm already a sucker for any fic that has Alec fed up with the way that Max treats him but this fic... this fic was just so nicely written and had such a great punchline... well, to make a long story short, I think it's great.
Sera and Tails chapter 1 . 1/24/2007
May be four years too late I found this story, but it sure as hell still deserves a review and a place on my favourites list! Excellent writing. I always wished for a scene like this on the show.


timetowaste247 chapter 1 . 10/15/2006
Finally Alec tells it like it is. Great job.
max chapter 1 . 12/29/2004
nice. very nice.
Caderyn chapter 1 . 6/1/2003
Wow! Okay, I know that there's been quite a, uh, conflict with the reviews of this fic but I just gotta say that I love it.

Way to go Alec! Bout time he shove it up Max's ass! Final tally: Alec: ONE (or ten, twenty, whatever..), Max: ZERO!

I love the ending. Very bittersweet. I mean I'm usually all for M/A light-hearted fluffy goodness, but it's nice to see Alec not acting passive against Max's abuse... Since this is a standalone, no chance of seeing Max grovel, huh?
Poppy chapter 1 . 3/19/2003
I really liked this story. Having read ABC'S review I think I have to agree with Sorrow. Fanfiction is a base where people can delve deeper into characters and write about their feelings. With T.v, you don't get to see that side of things. Personally, in your story, I did think that Max was a complete bitch to Alec, but I also thought she came across as a little insecure, especially when Alec was putting his foot down.

Max is a bitch, And thats why we love her. She isn't perfect, she's someone we can all relate to. She has her goods points, but she has her bad points too.

Anyway, speech over:) Nice theme, easy to read, Great story.
Sorrow Reminisce chapter 1 . 2/22/2003

Wow you're such a winner! Holy crap I really admire your vast knowledge of Dark Angel lore! You know, you should really consider holding classes so that you can teach all us lowly ignorant DA fans just how to write in character? I presume with your level of fanfic writing expertise, the show's writers must be kicking themselves for not having you on board their team? Perhaps then we could have had a season 3 huh?


Do you have any idea how much of a prize twat you are? Seriously dude, you're as thick as pig shit.

I love Alec, but the guy let Max push him round far too much. Sure their fighting and banter was a great part of their *relationship*. We all know that, hell - Enigma is the first person to support this aspect of their relationship.

But Max never appreciated Alec. She was always doubting him, she was always grinding him into the dirt and thinking the worst of him. If you think any different, then you've obviously read too much of the fan fiction where Max is buttered up to be a lovely warm girl beneath that B&D exterior.

So what if Enigma decided to write a fic where Alec finally gets to grow some balls and stand up to her? Because that's one thing many of us waited throughout Season Two for him to do. And being that Fox failed to give us this - Enigma did. And she did it damned well. The Truth Be Told was witty, intelligent and ENTIRELY IN CHARACTER.

Perhaps YOU should reacquaint yourself with Season Two and realise how fucking ignorant you are? Seriously - you are a fuck wit. Get a life. And perhaps give up on trying to understand Dark Angel because it's pretty obvious that you never will. Dark Angel is the kind of show that attracts intelligent viewers - ones with open minds. Not close minded idiots like yourself with a sub-animal ability to understand sweet fuck all. DARK ANGEL IS WAY TOO GOOD FOR YOU ABC - AND SO ARE ENIGMA'S FICS.

I'd challenge you to write a DA fic that's half as truthful, well written and supremely brilliant as this one, but I doubt you have the mental capacity to get even a vague grip on plot and characterisation. You'd surely only make a prize dick of yourself.

You have missed the whole point of fan fiction writing dude. We FF writers write Dark Angel the way WE would like to see it. And how we see it is entirely up to our individual perception. You can take one scenario, give it to a dozen fan fic writers, and every single story from that scenario will turn out different. By the character's mannerisms, the action sequences. everything. Why? Because we all have our own way of PERCIEVING DARK ANGEL.

If you don't realise this by now, what the fuck are you doing reading fan fiction?

You're obviously insecure about your own level of fanfic writing - if you can even write fanfic. Why don't you take your self doubt to a fucking counsellor and get your head read? Then perhaps you could finally get a life, get in touch with reality, and. oh hell, we all know that's not going to happen. Why don't you just go and get yourself a frontal lobotomy?

~ Callie
ACB chapter 1 . 2/22/2003
You're a good writer you know as far as putting the periods and commas where they belong and such, but this Dark Angel were you watching! When did Max EVER act like the one you portrayed? Or Alec for that matter? ".but you weren’t chosen by us. We all chose each other. Chose to work" I think I'd gag if Alec ever said something like that. Alec was the sexy X5 that stood out from the rest of the Manticoreans because of his charming personality. He wasn't a robot like the rest that snapped to follow orders and obey command. His bitching about every mission he and Max went on was what made him so funny. And Max beating up on Alec when he's so injured is also unbelievable. Didn't she try to comfort him during the whole Rachel incident despite the fact that he rudely pushed her away at first and when he was out from work, didn't she cover for him. I could understand if this piece was supposed to be a parody of sorts and all the characters' behaviors were exaggerated but Alec's rant and his noble mission to get the cure keep it from being a parody. You might want to go back and re watch all of season 2. That'll probably help you write more accurate fan fiction.