Reviews for Seventh Crow
Barbara Fruhling chapter 7 . 4/15
Written so brilliantly...and it ticks me off that it has so little reviews and favourites. Keep it up!
kamarooka chapter 7 . 12/15/2016
Got so excited seeing another crossover! And loved it; everything intertwining is so brilliant :)
Suse B chapter 7 . 12/10/2016
Good story! Gotta love Q.
Batghost chapter 7 . 12/7/2016
I assume this ends the story for now...

Great how you connected both stories together. Europe, helicarrier...

Don't take too long for the next one.
Batghost chapter 6 . 12/2/2016
Nice description of the Island of the Dead. What was your inspiration for it?
Suse B chapter 2 . 11/27/2016
Yay! Another crossover! I'm not much of a fan of James Bond h Sean Connery & his accent notwithstanding - but I really like your stories! Moneypenny is a blast.
Batghost chapter 5 . 11/26/2016
Your story flows better than the latest Bond film. Screws are being whom?
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 5 . 11/25/2016
hey! good stuff. you are good on the good stuff for future stuff. Bravo.

do like Bond I mean it feels odd thinking Bond when so INEXPERIENCED in his own ways that hes on LEVEL but HISTORY... alas. still good. still loven it.

it is some good stuff and thank you like hell Hydra got ONLY shield or that they neatly got EVERYONE their should hav ebeen blood int he streets panic in every yard for a while after that bloody purging first of all shield dying which I get but hydra wouldent have kept everything on that but now that people are aware of what to LOOK FOR... well. good stuff. also the heir apparents fighting for survival as well as supremacy through alliances. good stuff.
Deja and Darcie chapter 3 . 11/19/2016
Yay! I am so excited that Barton and Romanoff are finally back as partners. I missed Clint in Winter Soldier and I adopted the "Locust Wind" version of what kept him out of the fight. I wish that the MCU had given a little more of what happened with the two SHIELD agents in strike team delta after SHIELD broke down. Somehow I don't think they just looked for Loki's Scepter like Age of Ultron suggested.
I love how Barton and Bond interact. Both tough spies, but very different approaches to the job and to life in general. You've really captured Bond's sophistication compared with Barton's rough and ready manner. And with Natasha thrown in the mix, obviously connected with Clint...amazing!
I always love your chapters with Q. You write him very well.
I'm entertaining myself between chapters with wondering if you're going to bring in more of a Hydra/superweapon/supersoldier type angle or if you're going to go more traditional Bond path with double-dealing politians, beautiful treacherous women, and fancy, exotic locales. I love how you've combined both approaches in your previous stories. It's obviously building to something big. I can't wait for more!
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 2 . 11/17/2016
you8 know I am always curious about how fundamental the talks fo freaking aliens and magic and everything else... for example HOW many would be secrety hydra? I know the old line and joke is mcharthy hearinings... but it has been seven dECADES of this. INSTITUTIONALISED into the system.

everyone PLEASE have a panic attack! PLEASE.
also Winter soldier is real/is bucky/is HYDRA/ is MUHAHAHAH would be hilarious.
so much freaking hell we need is hilarious.
although it does turn later bondmovies spys are irrelevant anymore we need DRONES! when hacking and eventual Ultron and Hydra and WHAT EVEN. where is all this fake world unity coming form I wonder, everyone shoudlb ef reaking the hell out and SERIOULY mobilizing, something that hasent been truely DONE for at least what, three four decades now?
but I do love the fact that why everyone was blindsided, but because it WAS institutionalized... Clint knew immediately Rumalows sort, and things like that.

but god considering the open hydra memebers that oh its really just a lingering cult terrorist action worthy of note but nothing REAL big... when the slumbering giant came a calling and a Steve showed up a slaying! so lucky Capitan America in town! sheesh.

but yes panic attacks and grilling and wtf just happened! please.
Alfheimchick chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
Hey, I hope you are doing alright now. :)

Thanks for the wonderful new chapter!
Hawaiichick chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
Ah! I love your Bond and Clint cross-overs. Love how you are weaving it. Can't wait for more. Clint is so bad-ass. :)
Deja and Darcie chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
Yes! I'm so glad that you're continuing this story line. It fits together so well! I love Clint Barton and I'm so happy to see him characterized so amazingly. I can't wait for the rest of the story.
Batghost chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
It's been awhile! I always loved your Hawkeye/Bond crossovers.
foolondahill17 chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
Why did you have to put this up right while I was in the middle of homework!? Seriously though, so stoked that this is finally here! Loving it already and can't wait to read more :)
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