Reviews for Mother Approved
Coreenmm chapter 1 . 2/18
Loved it. Thank you!
ravenhusker chapter 1 . 2/9/2018
First off, I owe you an apology. *begs forgiveness*
I was re-reading some of my favorites and checking out some of the reviews when I discovered that I hadn’t left one for this story. I knew I was behind, but jeez.

Secondly, you and Chellero must have been sisters in another life, ‘caused you nailed it. You nailed THEM.
From their intense conversation in the kitchen, to their delightful and enlightening revelations back at John’s apartment.
(And all that smoldering kissing!)

And how do they plan to make it out of John’s apartment and back to Evelyn’s without doing more than kissing at this point is a testament as to how strong-willed these two cray cray people are.
(Cray cray for not acting on it NOW, darn it! Now where’s that epilogue? ‘;)

Thank you Evelyn for being the catalyst that finally broke up that logjam. Bless her heart. She is one of a kind. Already calling John “son”.
(Me thinks she likes him.)

And John needs to finish that Gumbo. After all, Evelyn has to eat. ;)
(Popcorn gumbo? Yeah, the pigeons will be alright with that. )

Loved the story. Now I need the epilogue. ;)
DancingInTheDark85 chapter 1 . 1/4/2018
Great story, but I’m worried that the gumbo is going to get ruined without John’s supervision. Loved Joss’ Mum and her relationship with John.
layvba chapter 1 . 7/30/2017
Sometimes it takes a third party to knock sense into you.
zeejack chapter 1 . 7/21/2017
this was beyond excellent. love joss' mom. she is adorable!
J2CaReese chapter 1 . 3/22/2017
Perfect and wonderful Careese fic. Deserve a sequel to know Evelyn's reaction.
shejams chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
I just finished reading this on AO3. Loved it there and I love it here!
Thanks for posting!
Beautifully done!
June Hawkins chapter 1 . 2/16/2017
Loved it! Momma ain't no joke!
GingerRoseLee chapter 1 . 1/14/2017
Aha. Mother knows best, most of the time. Very adult of both of them. Nothing like near tragedy and a helpful nudge to bring those meant to be together. Love it!
Jhill88 chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
Mom for the win! Lol I love this, way to go Joss' mom cause they move slower then molasses.
nicdvidmaker chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Man that was good. That slow burn between John and Joss was killing me. Really good writing!
mona75 chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
Fantastic, amazing. Loved it. Love these two.
Phoenix615 chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
Fantastic! I love this, what beautiful job you did bringing these two together. Mama Ward is not the one to be played with, she is sly and smart. It's easy to see who Joss took after. I am glad she gave those two a little nudge. If not Joss and John may have just played games for another year or so. Thank you for a wonderful read!
Bklyngrl chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
Oh my God that was amazing! There was no lull. At every turn there was a moment that had your full attention and drew you in. From the mention of Evelyn, Evelyn and John's relationship, and the fact that she could clearly see what everyone else saw ("So, tell me something about your young man...), let us know we were in for a ride), this story was full of emotion, a real rollercoaster. There is a mountain of emotion between these two and Evelyn was their Sherpa. She really knows how to pull things out of John, doesn't she? This story really tugged at your heart and then twisted you all in knots starting with the scene between the three of them in the kitchen.

John walking out and then dejectedly sitting in the park talking to the seagulls, oblivious to the flirting while cutting "a larger than life figure" to Joss was as poignant as their conversation on the bench was touching ( "John?"..."Yeah?"... Did I do something?"... "You didn't do anything but be you, Joss."). John taking Joss to his place, letting her inside physically and emotionally was the icing on the cake. The intimate scene, the loving touches and them declaring their love for each other... no one does love like these two and you really knocked it out of the park with story. I know this story is complete, but I wouldn't mind another. Besides, who's going to tell her mother? ;) This was just beautiful. Thank you so much.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2017
Perfection : )
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