Reviews for A Blessing
nonianwah chapter 6 . 8/27
So far so good. I am really enjoying this story 6 chapters in.
PananaPotterhead chapter 21 . 8/24
I'm screaming as I read this. the fluff is just so much. my heart is bursting! I love this story so much!
meetupgirl2 chapter 21 . 7/16
This story is absolutely lovely and wonderful. You are quite a talented writer. Please keep it up! THANK YOU!
gostephtaylor chapter 65 . 6/16
Thank you for this wonderful story
I loved Charles, Elsie & Charlie as a family
And I agree with Elsie, Charlie & Sybbie would make a wonderful couple
kdgteacher7 chapter 17 . 5/26
This would have been a perfect place to stop your story but I am so very glad that you chose not to do that! I am absolutely loving this story! Thank you for sharing your talent.
Canadianjudy chapter 6 . 4/21
I love this story SO much! Time for a reread
C chapter 65 . 1/20
Wow. What a massive undertaking. I can't imagine the time and effort that it takes to but into a saga such as this. It was a very sweet story. Thank you for sharing it with we Chelsie fans!
Guest chapter 65 . 1/14
I have loved this fic from chapter 1 and it continued to get better and better. Fab ending xoxoxo
Manygreentrees chapter 65 . 1/12
You have chosen an interesting moment in time for this epilogue - the first return home of the beloved child after he has left home( for good, really) to start to make his own way in the world.
I chuckled at the scene on the station, nervous, excited, impatient parents. There've been so many instances like this over many years - nowadays mostly at Airports - we can all relate to your image. Then, Elsie is all gushy, Charles tries to be not quite so obvious, but his insistence on carrying Charlie's case, at 81! Gives him away. I love how you describe Charlie bounding out of the carriage, all athletic arms and legs, smilingly enveloping them in hugs. And Elsie saying: "You're so tall. Like your father, " and they all laugh, all quite happy with the irony of that observation. It's wonderful how they're all so happy to be reunited. The loving family ties are still there.
Then there's Charlie's favourite dinner, of course, and Elsie squirrelling out of Charlie that he's met an intelligent, quick witted girl. I love how, immediately, Charles sees the similarity with Elsie. Lets hope he falls in and out of love with a few interesting girls like Sarah in the next couple of years.
And Aunt Beryl's happily surprised to see him, and still calls him "treacle", and "Grandson" Arthur is a wee bit jealous. And Mr Molesley would ge pleased and proud to see one of Downton Village School's very successful students coping well with University. Wouldn't several of those present be well aware of the opportunity they never had that Charlie is being given by his loving, self-disciplined and determined parents?
It was interesting that you had the Carsons working right up to 1932. But, I guess that would enable them to have some security through the early years of the Depression, when they must have worried about Charles' investments. And , obviously, they were saving for Charlie's education fees. He was , indeed, unusual ( but not totally alone)to be going to University from his background.
But, you've hinted at a future for Charlie, with a teaser about dropping into a few more moments, if the muse prods you ( I hope it does!) , and with Elsie's daydream about Those very good friends, Charlie and Miss Sybbie. So, I'm adding a few thoughts about that.
I agree with your version of Charles' rather alarmed reaction. In spite of Sybbie's parents brief, but successful marriage, you are correct. There were still huge barriers between youngsters like Sybbie, the granddaughter of an Earl, and a bright, adopted boy from the lower middle classes. Things could go terribly wrong. ( yes, I've read and been dismayed by "Atonement", by Ian McEwan).
And, once again, lets return to the time. In under two years, these young people would be engulfed in war. Lets hope Sybbie went to a good Catholic girls school, then trained to be a fully qualified nurse ( not just a VAD) in a quality London hospital. Charlie wouldn't have completed his degree. There would be fierce arguments with his parents about enlisting. Perhaps the best outcome would be for Durham University (if possible)to agree to award him a Pass Degree after he finished his exams/ assignments in June, 1940. He'd enlist the next day, if he could. Elsie and Charles would be frantic, like most other parents of young adult sons. Charles would secretly vow to himself that he would have to stay as healthy as possible, in order to stay alive to help Elsie through the war and whatever it may throw at her.
Of course, this war would test Charlie, and Sybbie, and Sarah, but, if they got through it ok, it would open up real possibilities for them, and seriously weaken class strictures. Who knows what might happen? There are many possibilities.
So, your Epilogue has prompted all these extra thoughts in me. I am very happy with that happy moment in their lives which you have created. It's a great conclusion to the wonderful story you have given us about how Charlie Parks, Elsie Hughes and Charles Carson became such a happy family. Bravo.
GracieinVA chapter 65 . 1/12
Oh wow! I really loved this story and you go and leave us with a cliffhanger... I could totally see the next chapters with World War II coming and Sybie pledging her love as young Charlie goes off to fight for King and country. Well anyway there's a storyline if you want to continue your story. Thank you so much for this wonderful story!
dreamfandomist chapter 65 . 1/12
This was a wonderful story and a beautiful ending! Thank you so much for this xx
Kate chapter 65 . 1/12
I’ve reread this entire fic today- extraordinary story! Thanx for writing Geordie :-)
misszenobell chapter 65 . 1/12
Perfect final chapter! I love that we got to see Charlie all grown up! I’m sad that this story has come to an end, but I know I’ll be re-reading it many times. Thank you so much for your hard work and for sharing your talent with us. xx
TheresaMN345 chapter 65 . 1/11
This fic has regularly lifted my day and I can’t wait to go back and read again. Thank you for writing.
Guest chapter 65 . 1/11
Lovely lovely lovely. I love your Chelsie!
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