Reviews for Morning Run
Sofie.C chapter 1 . 6/25/2017
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. You did an awesome job in capturing the characters of Leia and Han as well as their dynamics. After having read it for the first time I thought it to be adorable and cute
- which it definitely is - but after having it re-read now (English is not my first language, so I often need to re-read to fully comprehend everything), I discovered so many important and meaningful details, which are adding a certain depth to the plot, which goes beyond cute and adorable:
There is the striking setting you have chosen by having them meet in the early morning ours, still foggy from sleep (at least this goes for Han), surrounded by the lush nature of Yavin. A setting perfect to make Leia "infinitely more beautiful" to Han than ever before.
Then there is this moment when their usual bantering turnes into something hauntingly sad ("... her face fell a little and her deep brown eyes grew sad.") and I felt moved by Leia thinking"I wish" when Han challenges her about she is staying awake at night thinking of him. First I felt surprised by her thought, but then it occurred to me, that maybe more often than not, part of her defiance against Hans "flirting" is that she carries a burden so heavy, it leaves her no breath and no place to flirt or even enjoy life the slightest bit. But sometimes, occasionally, she just wishes, her life would be of that sort, which leaves enough there space to stay awake, because she muses about a handsome man, even if he is as bragging as Han is. Instead of staying awake to revisit the horrors of the her captivity and Alderaan.

Then I enjoyed Hans self-ironic "Ive been running from stuff my whole life," because I take it as a hint, even he himself senses there is more to him than money. And I loved finding Han loving to run at Leias side and how the race turns from competition to them being "like a symbiotic team:"

Also you did amazing by turning the race into some kind of a transformation thing (I am lacking a more fitting expression) for Leia: She realizes, that unlike the last time she ran, when she escaped the Death Star with Han and Luke, this time "she wasnt running away. She was running towards something, excitement and freedom "coursing through her veins." She even enjoys running at Hans side and does have a sense of loss when she overtakes him. But then she turns into "a lone, young girl, running on Alderaan once more." This is important to me, because I enjoyed witnessing Leia experiencing the exhilarating freedom of running.
To me, this race symbolizes a point, at which Leia starts to take slowly, surely often hesitantly, care of herself. And it also strongly symbolizes the possibilities of Han/Leia, but makes it also plain, they will have a long way to go, each as individuals and together, to become what they are predestinated for -
galaxys most amazing couple: "Leia swiveled around and gestured towards the trail ahead. *Coming?*" - "The pair walked side-by-side, their hands sometimes brushing together."

And please allow me to alter your final line, because "Everything about this story is a treasure."
Thank you for sharing!
HanSoloOrgana chapter 1 . 6/25/2017
Aww! That was precious! I really enjoyed reading it. I had a feeling Han was going to start using something similar to your highness if he lost. I also completely agree with the I'm not going to make you kiss me if you don't want to. Han isn't that kind of guy. Wonderful story, and I would love to see a sequel where Han wins his kiss, and see how you played that out.
knitzkampf chapter 1 . 6/22/2017
cute story
jkleeberger22 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
In this fanfic, I really, really love Han's respect for Leia's body as a treasure. There were some jokes on the Internet about Han probably being envious that he didn't have his eyesight to see Leia in her slave (ahem, excuse me, I mean her Hutt slayer) costume and a response that went around saying Han would not have liked it at all because of what it stood for and the disrespect her body had endured while wearing it. I hold the second opinion, and I think you portrayed that mindset beautifully, with him not wanting to kiss her against her will. I seriously love the respect and consideration Han shows for Leia here. And his new nickname for her is just perfect. Typical Han! And I particularly like the "twelve parsecs on foot" line for some reason. It just seems so in-character! Han and Leia were seriously adorable as you showed them in full-blown carefree, competitive mode.
sssssssssssssss2 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
"Yes, Your Highnessness!"

LOL I loved it!
Filmfan221 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
I loved this story so much. It was so simple and so sweet. I was hoping for Han to win so they'd kiss, I'm not going to lie. But then I loved when Leia was so ecstatic that she won and Han'a reaction. Pretty please write more like these :) Thanks for this wonderful story!
PrincessStarberry chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
So cute, and so much fun! :D
luv15 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
Your Highnessness. Perfect!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
Lullaby85 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
So sweet! Loved it!
calliezop chapter 1 . 6/20/2017