Reviews for Worth it
Shellbean chapter 4 . 12/11/2019
This is an excellent Jasper and Bella story. Really looking forward to more. I never could understand how Bella was able to forgive Edward after he left her almost comatose and abandoned in the woods. Anyway, I really enjoy Jasper! Hoping for more soon. Shellbean:)
PoshaQueen chapter 4 . 7/14/2019
please come back to this story
Annabella-Columbia chapter 4 . 3/10/2019
Please update when you can.
B4bidden chapter 4 . 10/22/2018
omg absolutely love this pls come back and try 2 finish it
DracoLover14 chapter 4 . 6/23/2018
For everything that is anything, please have another chapter soon! I love your Peter in this, he is slightly different from all the others I have read and it makes me so happy! I can't wait to read Bella's thoughts on her relationship with Edward. As much as I love Edward, he is an annoying, little, controlling nuisance in someways. In my opinion, you characterized the relationships between the mates so perfectly that it even made me slightly envious haha. I also love how you make Texas sound so homely (I am not a Texas native, but I have wanted to go there for years). I would love to have more Bella teasing Jasper and standing up for her ideas like she did with making him go and hunt. To me those are the best Bella's in stories, especially since this is set after the whole Edward leaving her bull-crap. She should have came out stronger from that, but dear SM, no matter how much I enjoy Twilight, had to have Bella just go on to the next supernatural being and being all reliant on him. Sorry, I will stop that little rant.
I wish I knew how this is going to continue, because you have left it at such a spot at the moment that the relationships between people could go in any direction.
Anyway, cannot wait for the next chapter!
Waiting in the range between patient and needing to know,
Guest chapter 4 . 5/28/2018
Please finish..this is the secon d time I’ve read. It...I need the res!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/12/2018
Hey i have been enjoying your stories,right now i am reading Worth it. I have to say I hope you add to it i was really getting into it..Good luck!
USNeshama chapter 4 . 2/14/2018
Love this story, please continue
Guest chapter 4 . 2/11/2018
Please...please finish ...I love it...
ComplexLayers chapter 4 . 10/8/2017
I can't wait to see where this story goes! Please update soon!
Blistful2006 chapter 4 . 9/27/2017
nice so far looking forward to more
catgrl chapter 4 . 9/22/2017
Ahh that was a good update.. I'm hoping sometime soon Jasper and Bella figure out they are mates... can't wait for more.
Alice chapter 4 . 9/16/2017
Love your story!
How could Edward and Alice treat them like this! Right now I really hate them ( I've never thought I cuould say that).
Please update soon!
the newest daughter chapter 4 . 9/13/2017
I hate the way Alice and Edward treated them. Did Alice know? Did she keep them apart on purpose?
xbluexeyezx chapter 4 . 9/13/2017
Love your story so far! Please update asap :D
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