Reviews for The Force Files
hannahmariakatherine chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
I think you should do Luke next. Psychoanalysis is always interesting to read for me. :)
hannahmariakatherine chapter 3 . 1/21/2019
This was very interesting. Yes, Anakin is a very intelligent individual. :)
Guest chapter 3 . 8/3/2017
Anakin and Padmé were both 23 and 27 when the twins we're born, not 26 and 30... Wookieepedia dude...
Minuteman76 chapter 2 . 7/29/2017
This an interesting fic, I must say. Realily like the assessments on both Anakin and Ahoska of their mental states and personalities. Looking forward to next the chapter.
JEREMY chapter 1 . 7/27/2017
There are many other subjects who could benefit immensely from this type of analysis,all of whom have been mentioned here.

Further study required.

Girlgirl chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
What a curious type of submission for this site. Pretty cool; I've never seen something like this before. Also, under the "Family and Social" bit, it looks like "Anakin" autocorrected to "Sebastian". Also, psychologists today agree that Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Openness to New Experiences are more reliable measures of personality than the MBTI. This concludes my anonymous two-cents! Thanks for deciding to make something so novel; it kinda beats out every single "Coffee Shop AU" and "The Secret Sister of the Main Character" story in that regard.
PrincessStarberry chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Very interesting-I would love to see what you did with Leia and Obi Wan with this :)
12389011471 chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Interesting and unique idea! I'd like to read one on Han, Luke, and Leia!
Redrogue17 chapter 1 . 7/27/2017
One problem: Anakin is a widower as his wife died 24 years before him. Added note: real life psychologists say he has 7 of 9 symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder, may be something to look into?
Kondoru chapter 1 . 7/27/2017
Nope, I dont buy it.

I am no Shrink, thoght I have been through the varying hands of many.

My Concern over Anakin would be his time in the suit. he was in constant pain, and his very senses were enhanced and skewed. During that time he underwent very little normal socialisation, except with perhaps his Master, who he was unhealthily dependent upon.

Do we expect such a being to have good mental health?

Plus there is the issue of slavery, and dehumanisation.

Look up terms such as Anomie and social alienation

And then perhaps there is the spiritual aspect; in R1, we see DV in a sensory deprivation tank; does he dabble in extreeme meditational practices?

Look up Kundalini syndrome

My next submission, Ashoka Tano and her unwholesome neediness. (See how she behavies at the end of Rebels season 2?)