Reviews for Heaven's Bliss
CenorinaISChachie chapter 1 . 11/17/2019
no, just no!
the premise is good, but you screwed it up.

anyone reading this should read "from me"
it is EONS better than this garbage
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2019
Well.. i read a lot of fanfics but never seen harry like this before.
Or there love is strong enough or it's way overboard, cause harry is so occ acts and says things he would never to hermione it would really break them apart let alone start dating.
DragonTamer01 chapter 1 . 8/22/2015



Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. I have NEVER, in my entire time on FanFiction, hated a Harry Potter story as much as I hate this one. Your writing style I have no problems with. It is quite clear that you are very proficient at writing FanFiction. But the content within this story goes against EVERYTHING that I stand for as a Harmony-shipper! I don't care that you have them getting together at the end! Harry would NEVER, NEVER do the bullshit that he does in this story! I'm literally starting to cry as I'm typing this review because I hate this story so much. But I'm also crying because I absolutely cannot understand why this story is getting so many positive reviews. Maybe it's because my particular tastes as a Harmony-shipper are incredibly specific, and this one contains everything that I hate in a Harmony (Harry/Hermione) story. My personal definition of Harmony is where Harry and Hermione admit that they love each other unconditionally VERY early on, and they become a Soul-Bonded couple whose bond is so strong that not even Satan himself can break them up. I know that premise probably sounds incredibly corny and fluffy, but THAT'S WHAT I LIKE! NONE of the Harmony stories that I enjoy have Harry becoming a paparazzi-loving asshole like he does in this story. And the ones that I enjoy also have ZERO Hermione-bashing, which again, you have in your story quite profusely. If you want a few examples of what kinds of Harmony stories I really enjoy, read the works by " " or the story "Harry Potter And The Champion's Champion".

This story really hit a personal note with me, and not a positive one. I'm sure that was never your intent to begin with, but that's what happened and as a result, this has won my award for the absolute worst Harry/Hermione story ever.
rani bharadwaj chapter 1 . 7/1/2014
ugh...really way ttttttttttttooooooooo much out of canon harry..:(
Yay chapter 1 . 4/20/2007
im girl enough i cried
shahanie chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
two words, love it!...!
bob-the-bear chapter 1 . 6/19/2004
yay, harry is back to normal!



great work, keep it up!
udderpd chapter 1 . 4/15/2004
I cann't of a word better than excellent to describe this story.
Little Rose chapter 1 . 4/5/2004
I really enjoyed this ficlet. I have never thought of Harry that way. And the end made me so happy! I could cry.
adri chapter 1 . 8/8/2003
wow that was really good just like all your other fanfics.
loserishness chapter 1 . 4/13/2003
AW, this was such a cute, sad story! I almost cried (I don't cry much at sad stories and movies) so it shows you did a wonderful job! I've read your other works and they're written incredibly well!

JEn chapter 1 . 3/26/2003
*tear* how sad! and moving! another ABSOULUTELY GREAT WONDERFUL CARING INCREDIBLE(sry, i can't think of any other great names) story!

thefly1 chapter 1 . 3/25/2003
That was great:)

ducksrule chapter 1 . 3/24/2003
Very good. I bet the scene where they finally get Harry to realize what he did wrong was incredibly hard. It takes a talented writer to write that and make it so it wasn't to campy. It was a lovely fic with a beautiful ending. Thanks for making my night, although I did cringe with the rude comments Harry made. Very well written.
Jenny chapter 1 . 3/24/2003
That was really good! The drama and stuff.

Great job!