Reviews for Life and Death
Debbie chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
I've enjoyed this story. I hope there may be a little more of it left to come.
criminally charmed chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
Ahh. Bad guys dead, good guys not.
I love a happy ending.
Tidia chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
Great story about the mantle of leadership and making tough decisions
FierGascon chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
T'was a wonderful story!

Bravo! :-D
pallysAramisRios chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
Our pup is having feelings of doubt or failure? He has to know he did things he had to do. He was Brave and maybe thats the part he's not comfortable with? Hope Athos sees wheres he comming from and sheds some light on maybe his past on when he was afraid he had to make a difficult choice?
Mountain Cat chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
And so d'Artagnan learns an important lesson for the future. Being in charge isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Deana chapter 5 . 3/22/2018
Great chapter! This part was the best:

Aramis looked across at d'Artagnan and Athos, 'Athos has sent me to a certain death several times,' he said.

Athos looked at Aramis for a moment before speaking, '...and yet, you keep returning,'

pallysAramisRios chapter 4 . 3/21/2018
Least Athos is awake now and knows whats going on .. Aramis has to hold on to Pierre he cant loose him him ..d'Artagan cant loose him if he does I fear what could could happen to him
Rita Marx chapter 4 . 3/21/2018
Wow. *Very good* writing in this chapter! A
FierGascon chapter 4 . 3/21/2018

A cliffie!

Nice chapter, with everyone involved one way or another: well done!

(Checking time zones) ;-)
Deana chapter 4 . 3/21/2018
Wow, Aramis is in danger of drowning! I can't wait to see what happens!
pallysAramisRios chapter 3 . 3/20/2018
oh nooo Athos is still down I wonder how bad he's hurt? d'Artagnan did the right thing agreeing let Pierre to go take the leever down even with the chance of death. I hope the rest of the Musketeers can find him quickly
arduna chapter 3 . 3/20/2018
Sure you're not an engineer in real life? Had to read it twice to picture it but it's ingenious and makes for a tense build up. Glad PA have caught them up and can hopefully help to save Pierre but I'm very glad you update so quickly!
Debbie chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
I can't wait to see how d'Art handles leadership on this special mission.
FierGascon chapter 3 . 3/20/2018
Not a dull moment!

I would be very sad to see Pierre go, btw...
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