Reviews for The More Things Change
Guest chapter 22 . 3/7
dearest Bucky -

It pains me to be the bearer of ill tidings. But, the White Sox won the pennant for the third time in a century in 2005.
Guest chapter 19 . 12/16/2019
One tiny problem popping up through some of the chapters. Most of the time, she is called Mary-Claire but I've also seen her name as Marie-Claire. Could fix that?

Mr Uziele ... are we sure this creature isn't part of HYDRA?
Guest chapter 15 . 12/15/2019
:: heavy sigh :: Steve! You spoke French! ((No, not sorry at all that Chris Evans speaking French tickles my ivories!))

And, poor Mary-Claire! Post-partum hormone dump. She's had all those pregnancy hormones absolutely SATURATING her cells. Then its like "OK! Good job, extra crews! We're done here! We're gone. Grab the scaffolding and take it all with."

Body screams in an extended wail :No! Don't leave me!:

"Steel Magnolia"
Guest chapter 6 . 12/11/2019
"...Robert is like a cross between a pitbull and a dragon when it comes to that girl."
His posture suddenly very stiff, Steve asked with a stern look, "So, he thinks I"m not good enough for her?...
Actually, overprotective Southern brother/jerkface Robert does think you aren't good enough for his little sister. No man is. But, it could be worse. Robert could be her father!

And bless his heart for using such language in front of his baby sister!

"Steel Magnolia"
PrincessStarberry chapter 12 . 5/27/2019
Such a perfect, somber chapter for today 3
PrincessStarberry chapter 11 . 5/27/2019
Yay, they're married! :D 3

Poor Steve-he's still struggling so much with so many things-and that makes me love him even more-because he's such a good person who deserves to be happy-even though figuring out how is a serious challenge for him. Thankfully, Mary Claire is patient and understanding-so I'm sure they'll figure it out a little at a time.
PrincessStarberry chapter 9 . 2/22/2019
It's funny-the other day I thought, "Whatever happened to the story with Steve and Riley's sister?" And here's another chapter :D
Santee Ordrin chapter 7 . 8/7/2018
This is getting interesting. I can't wait until the next chapter! What is going to happen to our intrepid duo? Will Steve get the girl? Will Sam and Steve find Bucky?
PrincessStarberry chapter 7 . 7/19/2018
Wow, there's a lot going on here-but these are all real issues that need to be dealt with, so I'm glad they're coming up now-so hopefully they can be resolved, or at least that process can start. Maybe Steve should talk to Clint-or to Laura-they know how to make the Avenger/civilian relationship thing work :)
PrincessStarberry chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
Love this story-I see so much of myself in Mary Claire, and just want to find a nice man like Steve-so it's nice to be able to live vicariously ;) And as much as I love a good love story, I really like that you've included so many external, but still related, plot points-like the search for Bucky, Sam's connection to Riley, and now the information from the file-it helps to create a well-rounded story that I hope to read more of :)
Santee Ordrin chapter 5 . 7/1/2018
What is in that folder? Who is it about? What is happening here? I want to know! When is the next update!
Santee Ordrin chapter 3 . 6/13/2018
Wow, another hit out of the park. Will be interesting to see where this goes. Can’t wait until the next chapter.