Reviews for The Impossible Maze
Sky chapter 1 . 7/9
This has been a fantastic story thus far! I’ve been reading this and going through the books in tandem, and it amazes how well the two match! You really care a lot about staying true to Annabeth’s character and getting all the details right (and it shows). I also love how you’ve been able to add your own work (like the Necklace of Harmonia) into it and meld it into the real storyline. Can’t wait to read these last couple (and the sides stories too)!
Ajay chapter 1 . 3/6
Ahh here we go again. Your replies really brighten my day. You aren't late at all okay. Receiving replies is more than anything I could ask for. Don't really have much to say but well...
PJO fanfic is very much like Tartarus. Sucks you in.. Doesn't let you leave.. Tortures you to find the good stories. Though, I shouldn't be complaining much like a snob when I on my part haven't done anything but still sometimes it does leave you a bit frustrated.
And FFN should have a system where I could comment on others' reviews. Even now, I could have engaged with so many of your other readers over various things. (Especially over how cruel you were in Curse of Lethe. And I will be rereading that one in a month. Along with the reviews).
And about that parenting thing. I am actually thankful for him being strict otherwise I wouldn't be the person I am today. I was a complete brat in my teens. No questions asked. But yeah, I agree with you. It worked in my case doesn't mean it will work everywhere. Flexibility is the key. Knowing when to adapt yourself to change you know. Whoaa, when did this turn into a sermon.
I really like how you have actually sorted out who you are and what you want. Clear head space I guess. Usually it's not easy to achieve that.
And wow... In that mini rant of yours where you talk about reviews that are full of entitlement, I can actually imagine Annabeth huffing and crossing her arms in the last..
I do have a query though. When did you actually start reading PJO. Guessing by the timeline of your fics, there was a good 8 year hiatus from FFN before you came back complete as a PJO fangirl.
JackReaper28 chapter 17 . 2/22
This is the thing I like about you the most. Even with the situations that do not require background research, you still do it. Like the Mount St Helens being a glacial volcano totally blew mind (Huh bad pun). Because in the books, Percy using "the water within him" felt a bit dodgy. Here it was perfect. And one of your underlying themes of the whole series was Annabeth being the hidden hero. Superbly depicted. As a writer you are always instructed. Show, not tell. You did that quite well
JackReaper28 chapter 17 . 2/22
This is what I like about you the most. Even when the situations which didn't demand too much of background work, you did it. Like the Mount St Helens being a glacial volcano totally blew mind off (Haa, real bad pun)... Because Percy using "the water within him" felt a bit dodgy. Here, it's perfect. Plus one of your underlying themes of the whole series was Annabeth always there as the hidden hero.
JackReaper28 chapter 16 . 12/27/2019
The belly button conversation doesn't add anything to the plot but I guess that's Rick's way of answering questions. Like the same reason why Percy is dumb many times. While writing previous books, I think he didn't consider the fact that Athena is also a virgin goddess. And this might have been brought up by someone as plot hole. So ta-da. Brain child
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
What advice would you give to a person who wants to make a series on the Kronos army?
the8horcrux chapter 28 . 10/17/2019
I was so hoping for a lost hero book too! And I was really hoping for Annabeth perspective during Percy’s disappearance and all that. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEEEAAAASSEEEE just do like a couple long chapter story or something please. I loved this story so much and I’m so sad that it’s ending.
the8horcrux chapter 26 . 10/17/2019
“Will Solace came running over, but Nico insisted that he was fine.”
Is that a taste of solengelo I detect
the8horcrux chapter 5 . 10/16/2019
Phew I was scared you weren't going to do the luke asks annabeth to run away scene!
the8horcrux chapter 3 . 10/15/2019
Love this, but you didn't say anything about the Luke/Annabeth meeting.
Copperbean chapter 25 . 8/2/2019
I am so confused. First, Annabeth thinks Nico has a crush on her, then it's Percy, then it's her. Please, some clarification?
Guest chapter 18 . 8/2/2019
Not to be rude, but Annabeth is kinda falling into the trope.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/3/2019
omg this is amazing! now i feel like i need to reread BoTL for Percy's pov here...;)
OverLordRevan chapter 28 . 2/16/2019
awesome chapter, I cannot wait to see the end of this. Not that I won't miss your writings, but I really want to see this perspective ok the Curse of Achilles.
JustADerangedFanGirl chapter 28 . 2/15/2019
oMg its done reEEEEEEEEEEE
I'm so excited for the next DoW book!
I feel like I don't really appreciate your stories enough but you are an extremely talented writer. Reading along with updates is great and I really love how I can still be surprised with what happens in the story. I guess I'll see you in the next book!
Good luck.
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