Reviews for My Hero School Adventure is All Wrong, As Expected
Huge fan chapter 21 . 7/30
Dude, I just read this for like the third time, and it gets better every time! Please update man, I gotta see more of this masterpiece
ShadowPillow chapter 5 . 7/29
I think it's fantastic that he thinks Midoriya is actually All Might's love child.
Gyoza101 chapter 1 . 7/29
I absolutely love this! Read this story twice within a week. I’ve never watched My Teenage Comedy SNAFU but perhaps I will now because this character is so interesting. Looking forward to the next chapter.
SuperApplePie chapter 21 . 7/29
I never expected a crossover of these two fandoms to work, but holy crap, way to prove me wrong. Can't wait to read more!
ThelittleKing chapter 21 . 7/26
Wow, finished this within 1-2 days. It's been a long time since I've read a fic that made me feel anxiety and slight fear. I guess it's because of the monologues that make Hachiman seem more human than a typical action protagonist. Looking forward to the next chapter!
ThelittleKing chapter 10 . 7/25
This is really well written. For the first time ever, I've felt fear for the protagonist in this scene. I guess it's because I'm used to a "Hero" like Izuku and Hachiman is a "normal" person. It really made me realise how dangerous it actually is and that they truly could have died at any time. Well done!
Huge fan chapter 21 . 7/21
Please update I’m dying to see more
ehbon172 chapter 21 . 7/23
So... to start this review off I would like to say that I loved this story, I mean REALLY loved it. I read it two times in a row just to make sure I didn’t miss anything in the first go around, that’s how much I enjoyed reading this.

I have personally never watched Oregairu, but the Hachiman portrayed here is perhaps one of the best written characters I have ever come across while reading fan fiction. It took me getting through the first 10 chapters for me to really notice that he is a totally unreliable narrator when it comes to himself, as he seems completely incapable of accepting that things he do can have value. He is one of the best written examples of Imposter Syndrome that I have ever seen. He will ignore or even outright lie to make himself seem worse than he actually is due to his inability to accept his own accomplishments, and I think that’s one of the things that makes this story work as well as it does.

This story combines things I would otherwise hate in a way that makes them not only tolerable but enjoyable. First person storytelling, a self-deprecating main character, a main character who always loses, countless misunderstandings... all of these things which I consistently dislike in stories blend together so perfectly in this. The first person storytelling is beneficial, as it becomes clear that we are getting a heavily altered version of events through Hachiman’s eyes. We only get to see things as he sees them until we switch to the perspective of other characters. In Hachiman’s eyes he’s a loner loser who fails at everything he does and is never good enough, but switch perspective to any of his classmates or even his sister and everyone else thinks he’s this champion of heroism. Through Hachiman’s eyes he’s this fake hero who never does anything worthwhile, but when we switch to other perspectives we know that that isn’t true. He does do heroic things merely because they’re the right thing to do, even when they actively hinder his own progress in whatever he’s trying to accomplish. He goes out of his way to save someone’s dog and breaks his leg in the process, he stops to help get a cat out of a tree, he rushes to apprehend a villain when he sees through her disguise, he helps Izuku catch up to Bakugo in the race because he knows how much that means to him. All of this hard evidence of him being a hero at heart and more. We even completely skip his perspective of seeing who the Nomu really was, only to find out through another person’s perspective that he broke down when he discovered it was his friend. He never gives us the full picture, because he can’t see the full picture. Hachiman has extreme self-esteem issues, him being told his whole life that he and his quirk were rotten and useless eventually led to him really believing it and he struggles to escape from that mindset.

Suffice to say, all of these personal issues lead to Hachiman having many many flaws. He will make excuses for other people when they wrong him, waving it away with something like ‘I would’ve done the same thing if I was in their position’ even when we know for a fact that he wouldn’t because we saw multiple times that he has a strong moral code. When bad things happen to him it’s okay because he’s not worth anything yet when he does good things for other people (thus proving he deserves to be a hero) they are somehow invalidated for one contrived reason or another because Hachiman just can’t accept that he matters/has value. He also can’t accept it when others see good in him because he can’t see it in himself.

The side characters are also really great, though I hope theres lots of them seeing the world through tinted glasses just like Hachiman. We see some of that when Yuigahama jumps right to the defense of Yukinoshita despite it being pretty clear that what she did was wrong, she totally broke the rules, and she also is too stuck in her own head to apologize for it. Yuigahama strikes me as someone who absolutely tries to avoid conflict at all costs except for when it comes to her friends. We see this with her trying to push for peace between everyone by smoothing over the whole incident without anyone apologizing for doing what they did. On top of that, her care is quite clearly biased towards her friends. We see that with her being worried that Mina might burn Yukino with her acid despite Yukino having started off the match by bringing things to frostbite temperatures. She never once voiced concern for the danger Mina was in. We see several similar examples of this throughout the story. She’s also quick to ignore that Yukino’s whole team benefitted quite heavily by depending on Hachiman’s honor while throwing away their own. Hachiman’s plan probably would have worked had Todoroki been giving it his all, they’re right to be upset. To add even further insult to injury, they lost because Monoma copied Todoroki’s quirk...which he forbid Hachiman from doing. Hachi actually did as he asked and was kind enough to follow his wishes on the matter, but he would have been better off not doing any of that! He could’ve stolen Shoto’s quirk and gotten immunity to heat and cold which would’ve made his odds of winning way higher, he could’ve withheld all that beneficial information about the other classes, he could have used Todoroki’s own quirk to steal his headband right off the bat. To me it seems quite clear that he lost because he wasn’t willing to be as underhanded as the other competitors, which funnily enough is the exact opposite as what Hachiman thinks is happening. If Hachiman really just wanted to win he could have set his whole class up to fail easily... or simply just made a team with Shinso and others from another class and take advantage of his classes’ weaknesses. He didn’t do any of that, but it seems his classmates had no qualms taking advantage of his kindness to one-up him instead. Yet despite all of them doing kinda messed up things to Hachiman, I still think they’re great characters and Yui is absolutely correct that all of that doesn’t necessarily make them bad people. They just need to grow as characters and overcome all of this stuff.

If there is one complaint that I do have, it’s that while all the characters are growing... they’re really doing so at a snail’s pace. Every time we are about to have a big character development moment, it’s incidentally interrupted by something or other to prevent those characters from clearing the air and actually working through their problems. I feel like we keep being teased with these juicy character interactions only to have the ripped away so we can get thrown back into the thick of things, but I’d really like to see some of them come to fruition. That being said, I have a feeling the upcoming Hero Internship Arc is going to be all about that.

Phew, what a rant, I could really keep going forever about this story so I’ll cut myself off here... but suffice to say I can’t wait for more!
Numba 1 Fan chapter 21 . 7/21
Moar plz.
ehbon172 chapter 16 . 7/22
Such betrayal, much wow. Poor Hachiman so badly needs a win, he keeps losing nonstop over total bs he can’t control. He’s got ‘hit by lightning on a sunny day’ levels of bad luck in this story, he just never gets a win.

That being said, love this story and this chapter so far.
CamTheThief chapter 12 . 7/21
Third time reading through this fic and I have to say once more - I. Fucking. Love it.
evilsmirker chapter 21 . 7/20
This is so well written that I had to stop myself from blazing through chapters like I normally do and enjoy each chapter slowly, so I could space out my enjoyment. Excellent work, and I hope to read more soon!
Guest chapter 21 . 7/13
One of the best oregairu crossover I have read. Keep up the good work hope you update soon.
BrightWhiteNeon chapter 1 . 7/12
Man, I wish I can make this kind of opening in the first chapter one day.
Hisan Iwo chapter 21 . 7/9
It's interesting to see another perspective like this, I'm always interested to see how all the shenanigans appear to the others
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