Reviews for Fixed Pie Fallacy
Raven chapter 1 . 10/22/2019
Look who's finally got herself to continue reviewing what she reads!
I love Tony's random sidenotes and thoughts. And the names you give Thanos. Those are good.
Everyone is definitely in character, and I love it! I can imagine Quill's face, heehee.
When will there be another chapter of Tales From the Apartment?
Your dad's suggestion for Thanos' punishment is great! My dad won't listen to the reasons why Thrawn will be the villain in The Rise of Skywalker. Or watch LOTR with me. He'd rather watch football. The American kind, for clarification. Being a teenage nerd is a lonely life... I love him anyway.
Bamboo Tora chapter 1 . 5/20/2019
I really think that is the best fix it I've read.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
Honestly, that no one in Infinity War, neither in Endgame, not even usually brilliant minds, like Tony or Strange, even once doubted Thanos' reasoning makes them equally dumb, if not even dumber than him, leaving Thanos, ironically, still the "smartest" being in that universe.
Anyways, I bet if my former Economics teacher watched Infinity War, he had beeen continuously shaking his head throughout the movie, and had included it in his lessons on "how NOT to do it". Lmao
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 1 . 5/6/2019
this was great!
sudoku chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Lol, they should really have tried that in Infinity War instead of fighting.
Peter actually took notes :)
Rasi10 chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
That was fun! Me likey
snow-bun-buns1598 chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
I like this! But i'll love it if you'll continue! The talks maybe?
theoriginalbookthief07 chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
My did it. Hahahahaha, you absolutely did it! This is hilarious! All my drawn out drama and you fixed it with a snarky one-shot! It's not fair! (I kid, I kid. I see you have updated your profile to list yourself as consultant to my merry universe of whimsy. Nice to have ya officially on board.)

Highlights of this...Tony popping his head out, Peter taking notes (yes, bless him, my pure, sweet son...), Drax, "I'd have more cables," Peter looking like Tony licked Gamora, and sound economics. Also, "Groot said 'I am Groot." Coupled with lovely writing and spot-on character dialogue. You nailed Tony, I think.

I look forward to your regularly scheduled programming of Steve and Bucky.
PrincessStarberry chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
OH my goodness-this is SO hilarious! I'm not gonna see Endgame until tomorrow, but I'm so over Thanos and his stupid purple shenanigans-and your various descriptions of him made me giggle, even though I read it at 5:00 this morning, when nothing is usually funny. Also, you nailed Tony's thoughts, words, actions, everything!
Candaru chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
-aaAAAH I was really, REALLY hoping your (First?) Endgame fix-it fic would involve Iron Dad so the A/N is making me hopeful-
-"TONY STARK, ACTUAL GENIUS," dsjfklsfjaslf I canNOT this is already the best
-thsdakfljadsf I can hear Tony's voice PERFECTLY in my head, this is absolutely gold
-and all these quips about Thanos asdfhgkjlsdf
-oh awww, I don't get to hear the explanation of the fallacy? I'll admit I've never heard it explained before, I'm disappointed. ;P
-"Yeah, it was. Let's never do this again." AHSHDKFLJ fANtASTIC
-Aw poor Rocket missed the lecture XD
-Oh, nice! I'll probably watch that video later. :P
Red 'Allen' Walker chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
This is glorious. This is freaking hilarious. This is the, most dumbfounding, the most out of this world, most definitely the most weirdest idea I have ever, ever hesrd or seen in my life and what do I do? I freaking have to turn red from trying not to wake up everyone in my house with my booming laughter. Seriously! And that Author's Note was mhmm perfect! 333
AliceCullen3 chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
phoenixtherise chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
Interesting. The zero sum game is false as long as the pie keeps growing. Once growth stops or technology enabled growth stagnateds competition will be very real. Then it will be zero sum. We are lucky to be living in a time of peace.
TheRealGalwayGirl chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
I love it!
Klouie chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
That...was amazing.