Reviews for The End of an Era
Gemma96 chapter 7 . 5/19
I am completely in love with this story. You write in a beautiful and compelling way! I am truly hoping that Scarlett doesn’t remarry Rhett. Actually Tony Fontaine would be an outstanding choice! I mean really? Rhett let Belle be around the children? What kind of person does that? Waiting for updates!
Melody-Rose-20 chapter 7 . 4/11
oh dear, they're at it again.
Truckee Gal chapter 7 . 4/8
It’s difficult and awkward, but they are airing grievances and actually listening to each other.
Since Scarlett chose their new location, it’s only fair that Rhett made the decision to buy a home.
Scarlett’s “episode” makes me fear she’s hiding a serious health issue. Please continue this!
gabyhyatt chapter 7 . 4/7
Poor Wade, i hope they have a better relationship now
lescarlett chapter 7 . 4/7
Such an interesting chapter. They both seem so wounded.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/5
in love with this story! please add another chapter!
beautifulliar326 chapter 6 . 3/20
I just binged your works and I love them all but especially this one. As a mental health professional I truly believe after all the trauma and grief Scarlett experienced you write her reactions realistically. I hope you update soon and continue writing!
Melody-Rose-20 chapter 6 . 3/10
So Rhett has nightmares now? And Scarlett's the one comforting him?
Lcorrea chapter 6 . 3/8
I like it so much! please keep updating!
sarah.shilo chapter 6 . 3/6
Great chapter! Thanks for writing more
Truckee Gal chapter 6 . 3/6
Remorse and regret for how he treated her is, I suspect, the source of Rhett’s nightmares. He’s afraid he’ll repeat his old pattern towards Scarlett with his cruel, demeaning, mocking words.
kanga85 chapter 6 . 3/6
Wow his dreams are scary, they are as bad as when Scarlett had hers. He needs to tell her he still loves her but had to loose her to truly appreciate her, same as with Scarlett.
gabyhyatt chapter 6 . 3/5
What happen with them?
It was a dream or was it real?
Truckee Gal chapter 5 . 1/20
Interesting ... verrry interesting! Scarlett now knows that Belle Watling followed Rhett to Savannah and, to make matters worse, he’s actually allowed her access to Wade and Ella?

What were you thinking? Then again, we do know with WHAT you were thinking. Your goose is cooked, Rhett Butler!
Truckee Gal chapter 4 . 1/20
It can’t be only about you and where you want to go, Rhett. You’re putting the cart before the horse. Scarlett is not a card to be played. Better you admit to her that you had to lose her in order to truly realize how much you want her ... need her ... love her?
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