sweetsouthernsongbird chapter 5 . 6/13
You did a great job with this. You laid everything out and made it easy to understand. Along the easy I was agreeing Ana and questioning things I remembered from the book. I so much appreciate authors that take the time to address the real issues that the characters have instead of just saying, oh that's just the way he/she is and brushing it under the rug. I think it's important, especially with complex characters like Christian, that it's addressed. Someone who's reading could be going through the similar circumstances or they know someone who is, need to realize that mental health issues isn't something shameful and doesn't make them an awful person. So thank you! ... I'll get off my soapbox now.
RussBee chapter 1 . 3/8
Your story has my interest. This is a high complement. I often read only 1 or 2 chapters before deciding if it has my interest. (Says more about me than your work.) I don't write reviews until I've read more... but the fact is I am reading.
TinaF chapter 5 . 3/1
Loved it!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/10
Good story even if it is a little deep in places. Thanks for sharing..Denie'
Pleasingjennifer chapter 4 . 12/28/2019
That is such a wonderful chapter ! I hope Christian sues or takes John to the cleaners or at least makes it hard for John to practice in the states !
CupcakeW chapter 5 . 12/10/2019
Umm. I think is too extreme that Flynn lost his license and Riahna get divorce and abandoned him. He was incorrect, but he didn't do anything ilegal really. Just didn't do the best for a patient. So, I am a little disappointed with the visualization of the story. But as author, your did an excellent job.
CupcakeW chapter 3 . 12/10/2019
Yo creo que hasta cierto punto se está pintando una posición sobre Flynn que no es del todo justa. Ellos si hablaban del pasado y sobre Elena. Pero Christian nunca quería trabajar en eso. Y ciertamente, él aceptaba lo que quería aceptar. Un terapeuta tampoco puede obligarte. El le decía sobre la mala influencia de Elena y lo que le hizo, también que no era un sádico. Para que una terapeuta pueda prosperar el paciente tiene que cooperar. Cuando Flynn presionaba C se iba molesto. Tal vez, se puso cómodo, pero dentro de todos ha Sido el mejor terapeuta que h tenido. Y para cuando llevaban un mes de casado, CG no estaba tan paranoico de que Ana lo iba a dejar. Solo dudó fuertemente cuando el proceso de JH y la llama del banco. Pienso que debería ir a hablar con Flynn y decirle que ahora está dispuesto a trabajar sobre su pasado. El paciente da el visto bueno para hablar sobre lo que atormenta, el Dr no puede obligarlo.
Vicky Smith chapter 4 . 11/23/2019

A VERY HUGE FAN 11/23/19
Vicky Smith chapter 4 . 11/22/2019
WOW! How smart is Ana? I'm so glad Christian learns from Ana.
He knows that she loves him to the moon and back and would NEVER
Hurt him.

Another great story. You're remarkable. AND THANK YOU!

As Always, A VERY HUGE FAN 11/22/19
ZdSg chapter 5 . 10/19/2019
Thank you for this. A lot of information that’s not popular but should be looked into
BarbaraMcRN chapter 5 . 9/6/2019
Just read all 5 chapters. What a fantastic little story & very appropriate. I often wondered why no medical person could seem to help him in any way. Great job!
T Traveller chapter 5 . 8/27/2019
Brilliant! Love what you’ve done toward filling in some of the canon gaps. Thank you for writing this!
pepe71 chapter 5 . 8/18/2019
What a GREAT story! I absolutely LOVED it xo Thanks for writing and sharing it xo
JB chapter 5 . 8/16/2019
YES, HOPE IS ALIVE AND WELL. Loved this brilliant and smart story. We all can take something from this story, learn from it and be better people for it. I honestly appreciate the fact that you took on this issue on behalf of Christian and showed how with the right kind of help, he can and does live a healthier life. Well done, thanks for sharing, this was a great read. JB.
JB chapter 4 . 8/16/2019
BRAVO... I applaud every single word of this AWESOME chapter. Your Ana is certainly a godsend to Christian. He is already showing real signs of becoming healthier and that just makes my heart burst with hope for his/their future. John should be brought up to the board of whatever and his practices challenged. I don't trust him with any patients. Thanks for sharing this amazing chapter with us. Appreciate you. JB.
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