Reviews for A Hunter's New Home
DaneNagai chapter 23 . 8/10
Ah, man. This went through a retcon? Now I'm having the existential crisis and guilt-ridden feelings.

Alas, I suppose this brings up interesting material to explore about. Anyways, hope you're doing well. Can't wait for the next chapter. I'm actually excited to see more grey-areas of the story popping up if you're going for that route. Best of luck!
BrazeRancor chapter 23 . 8/10
Phew! Normally short chapters are indicative of a canceled fic, glad that’s not the case.

Even better than that, you’re affirming your commitment to gritty, dark storytelling. Many thanks!
chickenbass chapter 22 . 8/10
Oh golly was that Oeden?! This is a cool direction to take the story though. Her trying to find a solution that is not just kill lots of stuff makes sense for the character you have established. also it's nice seeing a crossover story where one universe isn't just curb-stomping the other. While that's could technically happen, she recognizes that you can't just kill off an entire race. Good job.
Guest chapter 22 . 8/9
*notices barkeeper’s long bangs and multiple love interests* We all know who the true beast is...

Featureless Harem MC!
doa570047 chapter 22 . 8/9
To want to begin a new life, but not want to resort to bloodshed first. A noble path, especially if the humans in these parts prefer the status quo. If our huntress would help change these human's ways of thinking, she would endanger the 'kind' Mamono, the like two work for the innkeeper who aren't any danger to humanity. But if this way of thinking persists, then extinction is a very definite possibility for humanity.

So, should she turn the blind eye for this community and let it fester? Or should she prey on the innocent and become a monster in the eyes of humanity and even the Mamono she vowed to protect them from?
Astevalus chapter 22 . 8/9
Mankind's horniness will doom them all.
Evinco chapter 22 . 8/9
This is a logical turn the hunter should debate within herself. She lived many lives killing off the plague that infected that once beautiful town. Only for the gods to bring it back every few years. Madness was the hunter’s reward for years of service and soon she will have to face the gods again.
A never ending cycle that ends in the madness and death of humanity and the look into the never ending view into the abyss when that ends.
BrazeRancor chapter 22 . 8/9
Have you had the internal voice speak before? What is it, some vestige of the Moon Presence? The Blood Echoes of Gherman? Either way it doesn’t bode well. The Monstergirls will breed humanity out of existence eventually and then die out themselves.

I think you should change the three questions at the end.

What could she do? - All the options available to her.

What should she do? - What is the option most morally right? Or the option she feels is the least distasteful.

What would she do? - Despite the horrible acts she’ll have to commit only one option really can save anyone. Maybe.

Thanks for the chapter!
TheBigBrotherWTPD chapter 22 . 8/9
She should hunt. After all, the deaths of those good, Eileen, Gascoigne, his daughters, Henryk, Djura. What will their deaths mean should she let these beasts roam free? And those humans who would ally themselves with them... well, their just as much a beast now aren't they?
ManwithaPlan113 chapter 22 . 8/8
Ah the conundrum. What to do with the cordial mamono? After all not all are rapist happy sex freaks, some are just like you and I...except more “outgoing”
Golden Nova chapter 22 . 8/8
If you make the Hunter side with those rapist chaos demons (yes they are. No they are not anything else) then I am ditching this story.
Imperial warlord chapter 22 . 8/8
Awesome chapter.
nobodyreallyimportant chapter 22 . 8/8
That’s a big oof there at the end. Hopeless fights against the system are always a good time.
Mr. What If chapter 22 . 8/8
It’s seem the hunter is conflicted in what to do. She told herself she not going to be an executioner again.

You can add djura flashbacks discussing how these are people not beast. Not all Mamono are dangerous.

Also, she going to decide if she wants to join the order. I’m hoping you don’t make her since the order is corrupted and hide the fact that killing the current demon lord will turn all the monster to their killing self thus making the situation worse than it already is.
Jctherebel chapter 22 . 8/8
Awesome chapter
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