Reviews for The Many Shades of My Revenge
IvyAntionette chapter 38 . 8/16
I'm excited for the next book! I thought this one was really good! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how this plays out in BOTL, with the whole Minos thing and all. I feel like this is going to totally change a lot of this story.
Guest chapter 38 . 8/6
Great chapter. Cannot wait for the next one. P.S. I am pretty sure that Stheno (the Gorgon) did not become obsessed with bargain Mart until after the son of poiseiden, where she disguised as a bargain Mart employee to kill percy on his way to camp.
the8horcrux chapter 38 . 8/8
I can practically hear the ominous music at the end of the chapter. "You said the coin was a warning of some kind. What for?"
"The end."
But like Nico and Reyna's relationship was perfect. i love how you described the instinct that Hylla had to kill Nico that makes a lot of sense. Hylla and Reyna weren't OC at all they were perfect. I'm VERY interested to the little flame stuff that Nico released... He thinks Bianca has power? She's got nothing on himself, so far. This story is so good I'm so glad you updated and I'm excited for the sequel! You're an amazing author and never stop writing! Nico is so cool in this story... I love him. I may have to binge this story in a bit. Stay safe!
Smallbob chapter 38 . 7/31
This is sooo good even if I am a bit upset that Bianca is super powerful I hope nico hosts Aunibus(is that how you spell it?)
Guest chapter 38 . 7/29
Thanks for the chapter.
Blazer2223 chapter 38 . 7/23
Great work so far, keep it up
IvyAntionette chapter 10 . 7/22
No, no, no! I have It's the Hard-Knock Life stuck in my head! I love this story, and this chapter, but seriously? I've been humming it since I saw the title!
Anyway, yeah this was really good.
the8horcrux chapter 37 . 7/1
OH man I hate Zeus so much at this moment. Wow. He's such a jerk he's the worst. I'm a little confused why Hades didn't just tell Zeus that they were in the Lotus Hotel so he didn't break the oath, but whatever you probably have your reasons. Great chapter I absolutely loved it.
when-fangirling-is-life-UwU chapter 37 . 7/1
oof that was intense, also i'm liking the foreshadowing. i haven't figured it out yet tho. All the best with the writers block
Asmodeus Stahl chapter 37 . 6/30
I love the dark characterization you gave Persephone. As for the foreshadowing, based on what Apollo said, I'm going to guess that we'll be seeing the 21st Nome, or at least Carter Kane, sometime in the future of this story. Keep up the good work!
steve4life chapter 36 . 6/18
mY gUy tHaNks fOr upDaTinG
BluePancakes7 chapter 36 . 6/13
Uh you can put epilogues and prologues any time you want as far as I know.
when-fangirling-is-life-UwU chapter 36 . 6/12
Bianca has left the hunters , I repeat SHE HAS LEFT THE HUNTERS! Happiest moment of my life right there
the8horcrux chapter 36 . 6/12
Awesome good job thank you for being awesome
the8horcrux chapter 35 . 5/31
Oh man... I-I don't even have words. This is honestly the best fanfiction I've ever read. I'm not exaggerating. I wish I could like ultra-favorite and follow this because it is so good. Your writing is amazing. Thank you so much for your update, sorry for the sucky stuff that's happening, you said you didn't want pity and I relate, but sorry dude. Awesomeness supreme, you've got Nico's character right on point and I'm so excited because I just KNOW that Bianca's going to be BA. Is she going to continue to be a hunter? is she going to be the new lieutenant or is Thalia still going to be? All the possibilities! MAN
So excited for the sequel and the next chapter, please don't take a month for next chapter, but obviously I don't want to rush you. Great job! You're amazing and keep writing, also stay safe!
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