Reviews for Wonders
downrangedragon chapter 1 . 1/2
Thank you for this, they deserved this warm and fuzzy (and funny!) Christmas after all they've been through. And good for Sam too. Love "Will you love me after I die?" "Already have."
Meldiriel Erulisse chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
So precious, so sweet!
Lia Whyteleafe chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
Bucky knowing sign language? Can't imagine where he might have learned that... ;)

It's good that Bucky isn't being selfish when it comes to Steve. And it's also nice that he's getting on with some of the other Avengers! It would be lovely if he made friends with them as well. You're absolutely right in that he reverted back to childhood when he chose to leave Hydra.

The present to Sam was just beautiful. Rachel is Riley's widow, isn't she?

"...the only reason you're breathing is because someone wanted a world with you in it" - That actually brought tears to my eyes. How do you come up with these beautiful lines?

It is lovely to spend time with friends and family...but it's just as good to have your own space. That's pretty much been my Christmas too: being with loved ones and being alone when you need it. Except that Bucky chose to retreat with Steve and I prefer solitude.

This was wonderful. Thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
I’ve always thought plutonic love was the purest form and these two embody it. Thanks for writing about them again and Merry Christmas!
PrincessStarberry chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Wow-definitely different from last year in this saga!

I love the personalized gifts, and I love that these two brothers get some time just to be together-because introverts need that to recharge sometimes (ask me how I know...) I also really like how they talk so openly about their love for each other-that's not something you often see in non-romantic relationships-but it's so important, especially for these two, who have lost so much and experienced so much pain.

Such a great Christmas story!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Not fair! Someone sprayed onion juice in my eyes there!
Unajet chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Cute story. Glad that someone gave you this idea. Short and sweet.