Reviews for Artificial
LordChico chapter 7 . 6/18
Whoa! Looks like Tails has gotten himself into some hot garbage.
AndTails chapter 7 . 6/5
This story is absolutely captivating! I think you do a terrific job building and fleshing out this unique world that combines elements of the canonical Sonic universe and the Archie universe. Additionally, your depiction of the characters are on-point and believable in their canonical contexts.

This is especially true for Tails. He really shines in this story! I simply couldn't imagine being in his shoes; to realize out of the blue that your entire existence is a lie and that you are not "alive" in the traditional sense would be absolutely terrifying, yet Tails is able to persevere relatively well, albeit with the occasional emotional breakdown that adds even more believably to his tragic realization. Indeed, you do a terrific job of depicting the two-tailed fox's suppression of his emotions for the greater good, as well as his guilt associated with constantly lying to his friends, even if justified. His brotherly moments with Sonic near the beginning of the story were also a treat.

One side note: your knowledge of personal computers really shines in your writing. Just reading your vivid and detailed descriptions of Tails working with his computer, especially when he's messing with his programming, makes it clear that you're on good authority to write this sort of tech-based science fiction. I'd love your recommendation on the next GPU to purchase for next-gen gaming! XD

I am definitely having a blast reading this fic! Hope to see this updated regularly!
4thClover chapter 7 . 5/30
... Wow. I am definitely going to be coming back to this for rereading while the next chapter is in progress. You have got some artfully mesmerizing writing. All it takes is a few lines, and I'm sucked into a very vivid world with each character you write. Seriously, every perspective is unique, and the world they're in is so very well developed... I'm honestly amazed.

I generally haven't read a lot of Archie fics for whatever reason, but this is definitely making me realize how much I miss having these guys around. Seeing Rotor in this chapter especially hit home for me. He's such a great friend haha! Your characterization for everyone is spot on! Even the King had a refreshing perspective to read on.

Also, another side-rant: I LOVE how you portray Knuckles in here. He is so cool! I wish we got to see this side of him more often in recent canonical appearances; he's the guardian of the Master Emerald for crying out loud! And as such, he is unquestionably respected throughout the Acorn Kingdom and the United Federation. He and Sonic still poke fun at each other, but his quips are dry and sarcastic, fitting his personality. None of the humor is coming at the expense of his character. Mad props to him, though, for being the first to figure out something was really off with Tails, especially as quickly as he did. That fight between the two was absolutely epic! Yeah, the two friends falling out like that is not even slightly good - definitely better for them to be getting along - but it was cool to read nonetheless. Very short and VERY tense. Fortunately, Sally butted in just in time.

Poor Tails though. I'm rooting for the kit. Hopefully, things will work out okay.
FeathersofMemory chapter 7 . 5/28
This chapter was brilliant!
Loved the interaction between Rotor and Tails this chapter and Tails internal struggle.
Just can’t see he can keep his secret at this point but hope his friends see him for who he is and not what he is but am doubtful.
But dang that ending intrigued to see how things go down with Tails and the swatbot...
wingwolfly chapter 7 . 5/28
Oh no. I could see this going so many different ways and almost all of them involve Tails not hiding his secret. I can't wait for the next update.
You've done really well at writing Rotor's character in this chapter. He is a very grounded person and you captured that well. I also really like the dilemma Tails is having hiding his mechanical-ness as he gets more comfortable with using it.
IthicaJ chapter 7 . 5/27
It’s always a treat when I see this story updated! I love the depth you put into this story and characters. I enjoyed the escalating dilemma going on with tails as he struggles with his morality and mortality (or lack of). Now I can’t wait to see how tails deals with this swatbot(s) confrontation!
Leodragon678 chapter 7 . 5/27
That's not good! Being so close to answers only to get them yanked away right in front of you has got to hurt. Rotor seems to be getting suspicious as well and I'm not sure how this will turn out for the fox if everyone were to find out. Hopefully they'd be willing to still see him for who he is, but I'm not so sure...

Great work here! I can't wait for the next one!
Singerj199 chapter 7 . 5/27
Shoot yeah man another chapter! The dynamic between Tails and Rotor felt truly organic, save for the cussing, which frankly I don’t mind.
But just their interactions alone legitimately made me feel like I had a comic book in my hands.
As for the further sort of moral decay of Tails’ character it is a slow burn that is agonizing to watch... or read.
But yeah man, this story is definitely competing for my #1 favorite! Keep on rocking, can’t wait to see what comes next!
Creamer kid chapter 6 . 5/7
Awesome story!
Singerj199 chapter 6 . 4/12
This chapter was a bit slower but it served to open up and flesh out the relationship between the characters a bit.
I’m also interested to see what all is happening with the missing children and perhaps at one point, Tails was one of those missing kids.
Anyway nice chapter, looking forward to the next. Rock on!
Singerj199 chapter 5 . 4/11
This chapter had me on the absolute edge of me seat. By the end I was practically ripping my hair out wondering what was going to happen next. This story has been incredibly interesting so far and I cannot wait to read more.
Singerj199 chapter 4 . 4/10
Good-NESS! This chapter was amazingly agonizing. You got into Tails’ mindset incredibly well. The situation and Tails’ internal dialogue makes the scenario incredibly suspenseful.
In my mind it actually, in a way parrot’s Alfred Hitchcock’s description of suspense, albeit in a different fashion, but yielding the same effect.
Bottom line, the subtle tension you created is fantastic!
Rock on man!
Singerj199 chapter 3 . 4/10
If I was interested before, I’m absolutely fascinated now! I’m rather surprised that so much unraveled this early, so it makes me that much more curious.
Also, the first flashback scene was very interesting and I enjoyed the way that you described the pain he kinda/sorta felt. Just a really interesting piece of work. Well done!
Singerj199 chapter 2 . 4/9
Okay, there’s quite a bit to unpack... The dialogue between Sonic and Tails is FLAWLESS! It literally flows like water! You even took something as complicated as coding and made it digestible, even to a knuckle-dragger like me!
Their dynamic is on point so much so that if I were to be writing in the same setting, I’d probably be envious.
I’m certainly curious as to where this is all going really.
Aside from run-on sentences and whatnot, I found the first two chapters to be exceptionally well written.
So yeah, well done man!
I’m excited to continue reading, but just had to stop and give you props. Again, well done.
Rock on and God Bless!
wingwolfly chapter 6 . 3/27
Gotta love the general consensus to deal with a couple of problems after the mission. As if everything is going to go smoothly.
This was really fun to read, I'm glad that some of the other freedom fighters caught on to Tails acting weird.
Can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks for the update!
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