Reviews for An Unconventional Family
WrittenforKids chapter 5 . 6/5
You ended on a perfect note. Very much leaves us wishing there was more. The sad thing is that we're never going to get to see your OC on the real show! I'm now attached to him, darn you!
I'd love to see another one-shot where we get attached to another OC. In fact, it'd be fun to end up with a couple of one-shots with OCs that they call on later. (Kind of like how they built the team during season 1.)
Prompt: Maybe Mando hears reports of a village of baby Yoda's people and is excited but also sad about it? (Not a great prompt, but maybe it'll give you an idea.)
WrittenforKids chapter 4 . 6/5
LOVE this story so far. Glad I found a Mando story that has all the feels I was looking for, even out of the small pool of fanfics available. Also, I thought Cara was perfect (not at all ooc).
ponytail chapter 5 . 5/15
Nicely done. Not rushed, well written with lots of description. Loved it! Thank you for sharing your talent!
Concetta chapter 4 . 2/19
OMG. I nearly cried. What a powerful scene. I didn't think Cara was out-of-character at all.
Concetta chapter 1 . 2/19
Really well written so far, I think the dialogue and the tone is really spot on. I like Garen already. I think his feelings on first seeing "The Kid" represent us all. XD Resistance was indeed futile.
naria4 chapter 5 . 2/18
I loved your story and wish there was more! I’ll keep watch for anything new you might write!
anaticulapraecantrix chapter 5 . 2/17
Oh man. Bummed to see it to the end. Hope to see more from you. Maybe a little sequel to see how Din recovers?
anaticulapraecantrix chapter 4 . 2/17
Din had us all scared there. And I think you wrote Cara wonderfully.
anaticulapraecantrix chapter 3 . 2/17
Eeep another great chapter. Poor Mando!
anaticulapraecantrix chapter 2 . 2/17
My goodness what a story you have here. You write the Child so perfectly - I can just picture everything.
miafly chapter 5 . 2/16
A lovely ending to a lovely story. I like how you brought this arc to a perfect close. Of course I’d love to read a sequel of this to see Mando’s road to recovery and how he, Cara and the child grow closer after that experience - also just them interacting in general, as you write them so well.
I could imagine that Mando still takes on jobs to be able to pay for fuel and everything - with broken or healing ribs that might be difficult and Cara and the kid have to watch over him and help occasionally. I think bringing in an outsiders perspective was a great idea, so maybe you could make this a thing and bring in different outside views as they switch places and interact with people? Would be a bit similar to the series as every episode featured different characters. Just a few ideas. Looking forward to what you come up with. :)
SmileSimplify chapter 5 . 2/15
Ch 5
What a lovely lovely, if a teeny bit bittersweet, ending to this story. :) I was just a weeee bit hoping Garen would eventually be part of this unconventional family. *grin* Should you write more The Mandalorian-inspired fanfics in the future, I hope Garen has a cameo in one of them. :)
PrincessStarberry chapter 5 . 2/15
What a lovely Valentine's Day gift to your readers-the sweet conclusion to this cute found family story! I really like that you chose to show this chapter through Garen's eyes-because he is "the outsider", and we get the bigger picture of the family dynamic as a whole through his point of view.

SO many great things-Garen's reflection on Cara's deep love and respect for her friend, his speculation on their bond (it was definitely the fiery one-literally!), and watching her moving out of the moment of safety and relief to take care of the practical things (which almost made me cry)-and of course, that sweet baby wanting daddy snuggles (and possibly to transfer more healing at some point?)

I would looooove to see more of these three-on their various adventures, in just daily life (because there's never a dull moment with a cute but mischievous toddler around!), or a sequel to this-because Din is not one to want to rest and be still while he recovers, and I think Cara would be extra protective after coming so close to losing him, and that could cause some potential tension...and Garen is a really cool character, maybe they'll bump into him at some point in the future :)

Following because I would love to see more of your stuff :)
LavenderSkies chapter 5 . 2/15
Really enjoyed the read. Baby yoda is just super adorable...especially holding up his hand to fight to keep the helmet in place. Haha! Sad it's already the end, but thanks for sharing this story. Hope to see more Mandalorian fics from you in the future!
sorrellkaren chapter 5 . 2/15
I agree the story should end here. To go on would leave Garen out of the picture for he had no more purpose. A sequel would be welcomed however. There are endless possibilities of what would face Cara and the baby in trying to outrun the Imps and heal Din. Especially since Din is not the kind to take care of himself when his two favorite people are in danger. In fact I can imagine he would be a real pain to keep down for more than a day or two. That's just my take on things but hay, you asked for prompts. And one more thing, where did you get the name Garen. It is so similar to my own I know I would have remembered it if I heard it before. I loved the story, really heartwarming and true to the characters. Have a great day, Karen
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