Reviews for The Guardian Chronicles: Divulgence
Annie12 chapter 37 . 8/15
I like the progress of the story and how Naruto put her counseling as a personal growth, what I dont like would be how she just spill her clan's secret or cover to the enemy. They make the dojo as a cover for a reason and she told it to one of her smartest enemy with lots of info and connection to villains. So in a sense, she gave up a possible trump card and could make the clan a target for the whole ninja world.
harlequin320 chapter 37 . 8/15
interesting, with surprise on her side she was able to capture Kabuto, but it sounds like Katsuki is still going to be captured, curious if that will play out the same or if there will be any differences, in any case, great chapter, I am looking forward to the next
One for Inspiration chapter 37 . 8/15
Not sure what consequences there will be. Between the lov and shinobi naruto and hibiki cut the full threat in half
AnimeandFanficLover chapter 37 . 8/15
Great chapter! Glad to see the progress of Naruto's recovery, and her fully acknowledging her flaws and recovery. One thing though, why did Naruto fucking tell Kabuto that the Uzumaki clan is still alive? I see that's she still dumb beyond belief, and she still has the need to brag. God, Naruto! The Uzumaki clan went into hiding for a fucking reason! She could have just kept her mouth shut, but no! She still needs to brag in some form! Now- because of her idiocy- the Uzumaki clan is in danger! I wouldn't be surprise if they really become extinct this time because of Naruto's dumbass need to brag!

Well, looking forward to the next chapter!
nothingNothing07 chapter 37 . 8/15
damn that fight was awesome and i think her telling him the clan was alive might effect the future
Amaterasu53 chapter 37 . 8/15
NO! What a cliffhanger!
Great chapter - man, I hate Kabuto so much - but the deal with her cousin - oh no!
DannyPhantom619 chapter 37 . 8/15
At least Naru doesn't have both a inferiority and superiority complex like Sasuke did.
Guest chapter 37 . 8/15
At least Isamu is dead!
Kyurengo chapter 37 . 8/15
Naruto should seal Kabuto's arms (or cut off, but that's too gore for this Naruto). That'll be the perfect revenge as he'll lose his usefullness to Orochimaru
Shuuwai chapter 37 . 8/15
I wonder if any made the connection of Sasuke nearly killing Naruto to the scar... and now Izuku will and hopefully stop asking questions x.x
StrongGuy159 chapter 37 . 8/15
Cool chapter continue please.
Guest chapter 37 . 8/15
Surprised you didn’t have any of the female Students make the connection out loud between Naruto’s SCAR and Sasuke nearly killing her!
Guest chapter 37 . 8/15
Please just TRIM Naruto’s hair, don’t cut it short like in the previous story! KEEP IT LONG!

Truly, Jiraiya was a terrible teacher if he didn’t think Naruto was capable of learning Fuinjutsu!

How are they going to keep Kabuto contained!?
Guest chapter 36 . 8/14
hope Kabuto learn that Naruto and Bakugou are cousin, Orochimaru may have learn about Minato past where he from.
bunney12 chapter 36 . 8/13
it's for chapter 36 sorry
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