Reviews for Dear Ex
mycarlydotcom chapter 1 . 4/29
What a cute little story, I really enjoyed it! Both seem very in character, but still displayed growth as people; their date at Pini's went much smoother the second time around haha.

The switching up of Sam signing her letters with love crossed out for hate, then later on having hate crossed out for love was a cute detail. I also loved Spencer being the one to walk Sam down the isle.

I was gonna ask if you knew Oliver shared the same birthdate as his father, but then you answered that question a few sentences later lol.

An overall great story! Nice work!
Invader Johnny chapter 1 . 4/14
Each letter was nicely written and totally in character for Sam and Freddie, nicely done!

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Benny V. in Seattle chapter 1 . 4/14
A nice idea, neatly executed. Am I right in thinking it was deliberate that Sam and Freddie's wedding day was April Fools?

The only slight criticism I would make is that I found Sam a little too OOC in places. But that may be unavoidable with time jumps, because we can't see the evolution of a character, just the change.

Besides, I'm new to fanfic but already appreciate that part of its appeal is to deepen characters who arguably are a little shallow on TV. That can make them appear OOC too. I'm sure the characters in my fics don't read like they're straight off the screen either...