Reviews for Sonic the Hedgehog: Nether Call
Guest chapter 4 . 7/20
When is Tails canonically stronger than Knuckles & faster than Sonic?

I'd appreciate it if you could provide a source for it - it sounds like an interesting watch/read, assuming it's a TV show or comic.
AndTails chapter 4 . 7/19
I enjoyed the multiple branching story paths! Definitely reminiscent of Shadow the Hedgehog (2005). A Tails-centric story which delves into his past as a child soldier will probably never be explored by the likes of Sega or Sonic Team, but it would make for a fascinating game nevertheless, or even a fleshed-out fan fic if you pursued it in the future.

The variations on Tails' "war might never change" quotes were quite powerful. I could definitely see the game ending with these, similar to Fallout's "war...war never changes".

The choices made throughout Tails' story impacting the plot is also a great idea, especially because it offers a bit more nuance than the likes of Shadow the Hedgehog (2005), which gives you a map of the story path between Acts. The replay value would definitely be high, especially when players realize that their actions earlier in the campaign had major impacts on proceeding events.

Anyway, I definitely enjoyed this piece. Good work!
AndTails chapter 2 . 7/17
What's sad is that Sonic will likely never receive any closure as to why Tails concocted this scheme, unless there is some sort of final story mode.

This definitely makes me even more interested in a fleshed out story. Nice to see Tails' backstory and the events of Tails' Adventure incorporated into the plot.

Hopefully Tails' story isn't paid DLC, though...XD
LordChico chapter 2 . 7/17
oh boy, here comes Eggman.
AndTails chapter 1 . 7/16
I'd definitely play it, if Sega and Sony Team were smart enough to develop a game with actual depth. :P

And to be honest, I would spend all the money on DLC to unlock more story content. XD

I'd be curious to see if Knuckles actually had the opportunity to read the text Sonic brought with him to Angel Island. Also, how did Amy escape from being tied up? Of course, these are relatively minor plot points that I'm sure you would've addressed if making this into a full-on fan fic.

Good work on this general outline! I'd be very curious to see what triggered Miles to go down this dark path, either before or during the events of Act 1. I have some hypotheses...maybe Tails discovered something sinister from his past which made him succumb to what he is convinced is his destiny? Maybe he's under the control of another Big Bad? Or perhaps he is sick of Sonic's relative incompetence and forgiving nature and wants to put an end to evil, albeit resorting to evil ways to do so under the guise of "the ends justify the means"?

Either way, the foundation you built here definitely has potential for an epic fan fic, or even a mainline game!
LordChico chapter 1 . 7/16
Oh dang I really wanted to see the fun sub campaign with Chaotix. Darn you modern gaming.