Reviews for Deception
Serendipithy chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
OMG. So I've been obsessed with the game (I just got it for my brother and I to play during Christmas), and we JUST got to this point with the wedding and such.

OMFG I LOVED THIS. There really were lies beneath lies huh? :)
Violet's Veil chapter 1 . 7/12/2007
Okay Okay I'm gonna try hard not to squeal like a fangirl and be totally professional.

Lovely. I love how you wrote for Seymour. He's my favorite character on all the final fantasy games and I am very fond..and interested with the complex pairing of Seymour/Yuna. I don't really like Yuna though but with Seymour beside her , I can stomach her. Anyway I wish you would have made her note that look on his face when she wiped away his kiss, I think that would have been..fitting. Anyway over all I loved it and I will be favoriting this.

Now then..for my fangirl squeal.


Okay I am done.

Aliora chapter 1 . 12/31/2006
Lovely writing. This slots neatly into canon and you captured Seymour especially well. Great work!
cirruscastle chapter 1 . 5/13/2006
I find it intriguing the way Yuna reacts to Seymour's attentions. I think it's odd that at first she was flattered, if flustered by his proposal, so you do have a basis for her interest.

I love the way that Yuna tells him not to speak about her beauty because he's dead and the way he disregards her squeamishness. I enjoy the way he explains his plans to be her Guardian with great relish.

I really liked the way that, for an instant, Yuna seemed to be contemplating a bit happily the end of her pilgrimage with this marriage. I love the way you make her emotions a turmoil and not simple.

I adore how Yuna has become craftier. I like that her wit seems to have sharpened as well.

I really enjoy the way that Yuna's prevarication with Seymour actually trembles between truth and lie, the way she actually does admit to herself that she is as good as dead already.

I love the way you describe Seymour's touch to Yuna's jaw. It seems that so much of his fascination with her is that type of interest, the sort of interest that coems with study of a foreign creature. I don't think he ever understands her. I think that she is always like a naive child to him, with her transparent emotions and her human feelings for other people.

I really enjoy the way Seymour *does* see through her facade fairly easily.

I adore this: "If not for Jyscal’s warning, she might have married him, and it wouldn’t have been for love—but it would’ve been for more than Spira." I think that sums up how their relationship would have been from Yuna's side perfectly. She was a little in love with the prestige of Seymour's position and the fact that such a person would take interest in her. She was a little in love with the thought of bringing hope to everyone through their marriage.

The way you write through Yuna's thoughts before her desperate flight is beautiful. I love that for an instant she's not sure that she can save herself. I love the way she admits that her plans have failed a little bitterly. I think this is a gorgeous story.


"She could try without it, of course, since she supplied the raw power it focused, but she suspected he was too determined enough to remain on this plain of existence." Omit "enough."

"How strange that for the first time in a long while, she could allow herself to brutally honest about that, when everything else had to be a lie." Add "be" between "to" and "brutally."

“It will best, though, if you try to…accustom yourself to the fact that I will be your guardian.” Add "be" between "will and "best."

This is an annoying nitpick I know, but: "Cool dark eyes caught hers." I found that Seymour's eveys were very light, an extremely pale and eerie sort of washed-out blue/gray.

"She felt a little regret, because in this, at least, he really did seem genuine. But it wasn’t hard to banish the emotion, by calling up her memories of Lord Jyscal’s sphere, and replace it with determination." Replace "replace" with "replacing."

Replace "flush" with "flushed."
owlmoose chapter 1 . 4/19/2005
This is a lovely little fic. Both Yuna and Seymour very much in character, I can really see this having happened within the game. Nicely done! K
DarkestPhantom chapter 1 . 1/7/2005
Very well written.

I love how you did Seymour, the cool, calculating mind, very nice.

Please keep writing.
Kerichi chapter 1 . 1/2/2005
Wow... how cool. You rock- this story is so awesome!
sashwizzled chapter 1 . 4/8/2004
OK, I love you. In... a strictly friendship type way, of course.
Seymour was very real in this - very creepy and weird, and the play of words between them was very well written.
The way the wedding scene was written was very good, too - I like it!
Wot Wot Wark chapter 1 . 3/27/2004
really great! a really good, very well-written fic that really flows with what occured in the game. :-)
Sadistic Shadow chapter 1 . 3/1/2004
Seymour is teh caca (despite my fixation with dead charas XD i.e. Kiky) D:! But this fic was good ;;...Yey. It's funny, how I randomly run across your stuff sometimes...
Lucrecia LeVrai chapter 1 . 12/14/2003
Wonderful, well-written fic. You managed to keep Yuna (and Seymour ) in character... and, for that, I'm immensely grateful.
organized disorder chapter 1 . 11/1/2003
God bless your soul!

Perfect fic!

*hint hint* Do one about when she had to get through Bevelle's temple the first time! ;)
amethysth chapter 1 . 10/19/2003
I love the way you write and I will never forget this fic.
The Jack of Spades chapter 1 . 10/18/2003
Oh, bless you. Good fic just when I needed it ;)

Very, very well-written. And I love the clever touch you gave to Yuna, and your characterization of her hidden strength. I always thought she was flattered by Seymour's attention in the beginning. A perfect tribute to this bitter tail-end to their relationship.