Reviews for Black Bouquet
anonymous chapter 1 . 9/23/2005
Okay, why am I never capable of writing something like this? D*...
PyroKittyKat chapter 1 . 9/9/2005
I really like this story so an update would be really upreciated by me! Keep up the good work
Rima chapter 1 . 4/27/2005
Do a squeal or anotehr chapter or somethin! You left me hangin! I wanna know what happens to Seto, does he ever get better and does Jou and him get togeather? I hope so! Anyway it's really well written and I love your works. Keep up the good work and put up another chapter, please!
Nanashi Dreamer chapter 1 . 8/25/2004
This story makes me want to break out crying Vera! Please! Please continue this story! I would greatly apreciate it.
AshleyAsh-chan chapter 1 . 8/10/2004
-Bursts into tears.- I love you Vera-sama! ...Not in that way, but you get the picture...I really like angst, it's sometimes pathetic. -Angst whore.- Heh...Anyway, listening to Evanescence and reading something like this equeals a very happy Ash-chan. _ I'm really eager to see the next few chapster as soon as you get around to it. n.n;
NotUsed111111 chapter 1 . 6/13/2004
Very, VERY good - I really hope there will be a sequel!
Labannya chapter 1 . 5/16/2004
*jumps up and down with pom-poms in hand* A SEQUEL! . . .A sequel with MORE chapters to it! *squeals* Ohmygod! *does the hyper-happy-genki dance*
. . . ' Though yeah, I just read you were moving from Japan, and might not update _that_ soon at all. You're not Japanese, right? How long have you lived in Japan? Because, you know, I've read and seen in television that Japan wants you keep an all-Japanese ethnicity in the country, so if they do let forigner (sp.? o.o;; can't see. . .ugh. . .sleepy. . .Z. . .) in, they only stay a couple of years. Or at least that's what my dad told me. *sweatdrops*
Same thing with my family, too! I stayed about three to five years. . .left when I was five. O.o;; Okay, maybe three years, then. I _know_ I was born in Bangladesh. Only my sister was born in Japan-not that anyone knows that. _She_ doesn't even know that. Scary little girl.
But-SETO! DON'T _DIE_ ON ME! *sob* Wah. . .hey. . .wait, will Jou and Seto get together in this? If there are more chapters? *hope hope* / *BAM* / *hope dies* / -;; Damn.
Ja. _~
Moonchild DJ chapter 1 . 3/24/2004
Oh my gods. O_O This was..utterly scary..and utterly amazing at the same time. I have a mix of wanting to hug Seto and shake him to his senses at the same time. ;; Poor Seto's really, really..*squeaks and shivers* I don't know how to describe him..he's depressing, the type that makes you wanna cry! Which I was. p Excellent writing, imouto-chan! I simply can't wait to see more for this. *nods furiously* I want to see everyone's reactions to our dear CEO flipping out as such. And their reactions to his letter. Keep up the great work! Good luck with the sequal, and with MLS! D *shivers again and adds this story to her favorites list*
Tod chapter 1 . 3/24/2004
Interesting to say the least. Well anyway, please update soon! _
Callisto Firestarter chapter 1 . 3/22/2004
Woah... That's seriously just.. wow.. O_O You have to continue soon, I want to see more powerful works like this.
Painted Smile chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
*blinks* Well, that was slightly confusing, but I get the feeling it was good, if only I understood it. *Rereads chappie* Ok, now I get it :) I'm a bit slow sometimes. I was right, that wass good. Update? Soon as you can?
Renee the Rabid Squirrel chapter 1 . 3/13/2004
*sobs* Wah! That was so sad! Good work!
ColeyCarissa chapter 1 . 3/4/2004
That is so good. Omg its sad. Poor Kaiba
lotus re-incarnate chapter 1 . 3/3/2004
okay, that was amazing. wow. yeah, that was angsty, and good. wow. yep.
i really don't want to repeat myself here, but that was very well done.
Dark Magician Girl Hikaru chapter 1 . 3/2/2004
Aww, Kaiba didn't get what he wanted, oh well it's a pretty good beginning. Though why was he coughing up blood? Just wondering, it's not like he has some kind of sickness, or does he? He just cut himself deeply. UD soon. Onegai?
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