Reviews for Of Wolves and Foxes
Silenthilldude chapter 3 . 4/27/2008
Amazing detail, i fealt like i was watching a movie 11/10!
StarVix chapter 12 . 9/7/2007
This chapter is MUCH better. You managed to make a very nice, exciting chapter with no shooting Slippy. Fox wasn't too insane and it displayed the rivallry between Fox and Wolf, the kind described in Assult and Command. It was brilliant. Are you doing another chapter, or are you done?
wiverex chapter 12 . 3/23/2007
Woah. You can definately feel the emotion here between Fox and Wolf as they smoke together like they did in the old days. Great job but I do have to say that the fight with Andross was a little rushed. I expected that to be slightly longer and more difficult than it had been but then I'm not the one writing. Congrats on a so far brilliant fic.
Sir Raphael chapter 12 . 3/21/2007
Pretty good, I mean, I see potential here and other stuff, but there are a bunch of careless mistakes that should be fixed. But otherwise, very good!
StarVix chapter 11 . 2/26/2007
You made Fox an insane jerk! That I can forgive, BUT YOU MADE THE INSANE JERK HIT SLIPPY! That just clashes with the veiw of the universe that I have. NOBODY should hurt Slippy. It would be like shooting a defenseless puppy. You have to admit, Slippy IS both cute and defenseless, like said puppy.
Meneil chapter 10 . 3/26/2006
Fox is kinda scary really... O.o;

But neat story! It's really cool how you put it into Fox's perspective, and Wolf that one time. Keep up the good work!
Fox The Cave II chapter 10 . 3/3/2006
The writing is quite good, and it's obvious you're taking this seriously, but it is a little...static and amateurish sometimes. For example, spelling soldier with a capital s; not good, my friend. Sometimes you write lines that are just a bit cliche and overused, but overall i'm quite impressed...I think this is how I used to write just a year or so ago and I can see you very soon becoming a great writer.

Good luck with future chapters!

Fox The Cave (II)

PS: Could you read'n'review the latest chapter of my newest fic, Shades Of Grey?
GamerJay chapter 1 . 3/1/2006
Hey, this is something.

Keep up the good work.

P.S: Thanks for reviewing 'Star Fox 40,0.'
disturbedthoughts chapter 10 . 2/28/2006
I like it. Sorry about little reviews, that happened to my first story untill I found a stratigy. Review stories and ask them to return the favor. Try that out. Please reviewmy stories, there is only 3. - disturbedthoughts
wiverex chapter 8 . 5/1/2005
you can't leave it there! it was just getting interesting! i like how you had wolf explain why he did what he did (it certainly helped me understand what was going on!). the only problem i found was that the story isn't finished! don't let it become one of the stories people forget or ignore because you have some great ideas going on here! well done.
Wolf O'Donnell chapter 7 . 3/11/2005
OH COME ON! I'm not THAT bad am I? I mean really I wouldn't stoop THAT low. Would I? Did I really... Could I have...
yes chapter 6 . 3/1/2005
More please
Dixiesdaughter chapter 5 . 2/21/2005
I do not typically read Game fictions. However, you were quite persuasive in getting me to read this. I was definitely not disappointed. You are extremely talented in all your writings, not just fan fictions. You have a way with words that is truly remarkable. You are capable of painting a picture and setting the mood and emotion of a scene just with a few simple choice words. Keep up the good work! I know you will. I love you.
Veno chapter 3 . 8/2/2004
outstanding but I'm not done reading yet.
Wolf-ODonnell chapter 4 . 5/7/2004
Each chapter is a bit too short for my taste, but all are written extremely well. Your sense of suspense is good.
At times, however, the speech can get very confusing. Sometimes I'm not entirely sure who's talking.
But it's good, nonetheless.
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