Reviews for Obsessions
Guest chapter 3 . 5/19/2013
please do merry and her TAROT cards please
XxSweetGothicChocolatexX chapter 3 . 4/17/2010
That ws really good and bittersweet! Nice work x
Absynth chapter 3 . 8/26/2007 This whole thing is really excellent. I love how you really get into the character's minds; it provides a really intense perspective on JUST how twisted and screwed-up they all are. x3

And I have ideas for your next chapter!

Lucinda-obsessed with revenge.

Riff-obsessed with Cain. Kind of obvious, I know, but I'm a fan of angsty!Riff-the Riff who not only loves Cain dearly, but wants him. I think it eats Riff up inside that he wants Cain, because he feels like it'll hurt his already fragile master.

I don't know. Maybe I'm rambling.

But wait-there's more! Cue drumroll.

Michaela-also obsessed with Cain. Could be obsessed with spiders.

Alexis-obsessed with Augusta and torturing Cain.
Sir Gawain of Camelot chapter 3 . 8/1/2007
Creepy. I like it. xD It's very Godchildish.

Hmm... Cain Saga obsessions, huh? There's the eternal youth from that story in Forgotten Juliet, but that's given up on too easily to be a real obsession. There's always Riff. xD If his devotion to Cain doesn't count as obsession, I don't know what does. No spoilers, if you've read the end. It's been spoiled enough I know there's something to spoil there.

Uhm... Come to think of it, is there a plotline in Godchild that doesn't center around obsession? First one, the man is obsessed with his pride and his daughter. Second one... What was the second, I don't remember. There's the old woman's obsession with her dead grandaughter, Kitty. There's Emile and his bugs from Butterfly Bones. Cassian, perhaps, and his thing about his body? Hm... There are others, I'm sure.
Miss Ann Onn chapter 1 . 6/29/2007
Wow. This left me with chills! I wasn't bored at all.
A Glass of Water chapter 3 . 7/27/2006
Hm...isn't Riff obsessed with Cain? ...I can't really think of anything besides Riff and Merryweather...sorry

This is really a twisted sort of way...
anmah chapter 3 . 6/9/2005
Bravo! *claps*

I'm very impressed and captivated by your writing. Deep and moving, morbid and sadistic, sad and beautiful. Just wonderful. You have a wonderful gift, and I hope to see another example of it - Right - Here.
Kimi-chan3 chapter 1 . 4/3/2005
it's not boring! I like it! Place Riff's thoughts and merryweather's as well! they deserve it!
birdie-and-the-reaper chapter 3 . 12/24/2004
Hm... interesting story (or stories, depending on the way you see it). I have a few ideas of the next chapter:

1. Alexis. Admit it, the guy's a complete maniac. It's either his BDSM (the whipping), or his obsession with hurting people. You could talk about his incest, but actually he doesn't fancy his sister-it's in the last volume (I think, couldn't understand half the bloody language though).

I was reading your reviews (weird habbit), but "Wul Anatole" talked about very good people. Cley-something (seriously, I have no idea either), he's really into money and gets guilt trips about his mother drowning in the bath and her death being "his fault".

3."Lord Pervert" is "Gladstone" (whose first name I THINK is Cassandra, even though he's a GUY), he's determined to make Jezebel his bitch.

is also another person who wants Cain as her spouse, but in "Misericord", Jezebel says that Michaela has Merryweather's physique (which means they're probably the same age), and her marrying Cain is a bit...eww. But she's a complete compulsive obsessive.

I hope you've actually read as far as I talked about... _;; well, have a nice day.

PS. DON'T do Riff, pleaassee! He's probably the sanest person in the comic (ironic that...)
Wul Anatole chapter 3 . 12/23/2004
hmm... interesting. You use proper English, I praise thee, ahem... Anyway, I like this. Ideas, well there's Alexis and his obsession with Augusta, or probably better bringing pain to other people... um... how much do you know about the series, I don't what to give things away. Lord Pervert and his apparent obsession with pretty people, Dominique Clehadol/Cleynado/Clehadult whatever and his money obsession, Riff and serving his master, that weird lady and her deceased son, Oscar and... it's up for interpretation but Merry or Cain, Michaela and her spiders... or Cain, etc, etc, email me if you need more.
AimlessAmbition chapter 3 . 12/9/2004
This is a very interesting little series you have going here. As for the next chapter, are you intending for the chapters to be male, female, male and so on? If you are, Merry seems to be a good choice. But if not, I for one would like to see a piece on Oscar, because I've never seen anything remotely like this done for him. And he seems to be such a cheerful fellow, but he does have his slightly darker side.
KurenaiTsuki chapter 2 . 9/30/2004
Great portrayal of Cain's character. The Rebecca piece was great, too (I couldn't remember who she was until I started to read it ... ). I usually find that pieces from the characters' own POV tend to be lacking, but I really liked this.
bgtea chapter 2 . 8/11/2004
I'm glad to see that you are continuing this_ much bitterness and anger in the fic. The emotions are so *strong*, I can practically feel them oozing out of the speaker.

Good job on making the character's thoughts realistic. Keep up the good work!
kasugai gummie chapter 2 . 8/5/2004
It took me a moment to remember just *who* exactly Rebecca was. And when it suddenly hit me, I was like, "... Holy SHIT!" Even more suited to the title "Obsessions" than Cain's fascination with poisons, your take and exploration of Rebecca's character is so... dark and _right_. Seriously, that girl is disturbing with her misplaced... interests and selfishness, and you've captured that beautifully in her monologue. The periodic emphasis on the possesive "mine" was a very nice touch too. _ Wonder who's next on the list?
kasugai gummie chapter 1 . 7/30/2004
A very intriguing piece you have here. Normally I tend to overlook gen/character pieces, but your portrayal of Cain as a smart-assed, snarky, sadistic noble with a BRAIN is extremely enjoyable. :) Loved the cynicism in his monologue and your grasp on the basics of the English language is very solid (something that unfortunately isn't a given in fanfictions, no? -_-;) But anyway, good job, and perhaps you'll write a companion piece?
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