Reviews for Shattered Hearts
Rachel chapter 15 . 1/10/2015
More please.
Soul93 chapter 2 . 1/26/2014
This is so achingly moving- really enjoying what I've read so far.
passionsfan24 chapter 14 . 1/10/2013
"More, he wanted to throw Mariel out just so he could watch and see if she bounced against the parking lot concrete. Surely, she had enough silicone in her to do the job." -roflmfbo! The most hilarious line in the story! Love the story so far, please update soon!
Lucas4everPeyton chapter 14 . 3/12/2011
That was well worth the wait...please hurry up and put Ethan And Theresa back together...the wait is killin me!Hurry Please!
SandraDeee chapter 13 . 7/8/2010
I had such fun reading this story on my day off from work, but I'm terribly bummed that I've come to the end of what you wrote. I am so eager to find out what happens next!

Well, I keep changing my mind about the characters. One minute I'm feeling sorry for one of them, and then you end up making me feel sorry for them. LOL. On the flip side of that, I'll be feeling sorry for a character, and then they do something that makes me want to throttle them.

Whitney is, officially, on my character-hate list. What she's doing here is so incredibly despicable. The way Fox used her was shameful, but this little game she's playing is surely going to backfire. I can't see how she figures on Fox ever forgiving her for the havoc she's going to inflict on his life.

Ethan and Mariel blech. Let me just say that I'm really glad it's not Gwen that Ethan is screwing around with, though.

Theresa is one confused gal, isn't she? Fox gave her an out, and she couldn't bring herself to take it. I guess he's a little bit like a dog-she knows he'll love her no matter what and that he won't leave her. With Ethan, he's the wild card. It's all very exciting, but she doesn't really know what she's going to get, or else she just doesn't trust it.

One last thing I have to mention is that I 3 the character of Chris. What a fun character. He's both supportive and comic relief.

Thank you for sharing this story with us! Please, please, please don't leave us hanging. :)
SandraDeee chapter 11 . 7/8/2010
Another packed chapter! This is just an aside, but I really like how your chapters are long and flowing rather than short and choppy.

Okay-back to the story. Fox, Fox, Fox. I just lost some of my empathy for him. While Whitney is not my favorite character by any stretch of the imagination, she certainly did not deserve to be treated as she was.

I'm a little frustrated with Theresa. No wonder she and Ethan can't get their ish together. There is such a push-pull between them, so much history, and an underlying desperation that makes them both behave erratically. I don't understand her though process that just because she believes the baby is Fox's (I'm still not convinced...haha) that she must automatically stay in her marriage with him. And then for her to be so shocked and upset to find Fox and Whitney. I must be a mean person, but considering that she's been cheating on Fox with his half-brother, I don't really think she's on a higher moral ground than her husband and Whitney.

Well, I wouldn't get annoyed with the characters' behavior if I didn't care about them. I've really enjoyed reading your story...and now I'm off to read more. :D
SandraDeee chapter 7 . 7/8/2010
I like how you used the metaphor of the storm to show what was happening with the characters. Very appropriate!

Wow! Intense love scene! Extremely emotional.

And Fox-I guess I have my answer about whether he's devious or just plain stupid. He's playing a dangerous game. I was never a Fox/Whitney fan on the show, but I like how you're building up the relationship between the two of them.

Now that Fox must have his answer, I wonder what he's going to do about it. Will he free Theresa and himself to be happy, or will he pull her to him all the more?
SandraDeee chapter 6 . 7/8/2010
Loved this chapter! I really enjoyed the insight into the characters.

My favorite lines:

The lie across Theresa's eyes passed as quickly as it came. "Sometimes I just need a drink before getting into another philosophical discussion about who's gotten the best nose job."
SandraDeee chapter 5 . 7/8/2010
Oh, Fox, what are you thinking?

At first, I wondered if maybe he was being devious by arranging for Ethan and Theresa to work together on a project. His emotional outburst with Whitney leaves me to think otherwise. Maybe he's just stupid?

I do feel bad for Ethan and Theresa, but this has been a hell of their own making. If Theresa could react so strongly to seeing him in her library, I wonder how she'd react if she saw him with another woman?

As ever, I enjoyed the chapter very much.
SandraDeee chapter 3 . 7/8/2010
Theresa really has herself in a gilded cage, doesn't she? Her life looks like perfection from the outside, yet she feels trapped.

I'm left wondering a bit about Fox and Whitney, as well. If Fox is confiding in her rather than Theresa, that is just another sign that the marriage is not solid.
SandraDeee chapter 2 . 7/8/2010
Wow! A look can say so much! I could picture this so clearly as I read it.

This was also very poignant that the only interaction they have with one another is from afar.

Nice job!
SandraDeee chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
Just a lovely start to a story! Your use of emotions to create an ambiance is excellent. I feel bad for who I assume is Fox at the beginning of the story. How difficult it must be to be married to someone and know that she longs for someone else.

Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. He's a bit like the little boy who cried wolf. If only he hadn't been so fickle, he could be with the one he loves. I suspect, though, that since this is the prologue and Theresa dreams of him, they'll eventually get their chance.

I'm looking forward to reading more!
Lucas4everPeyton chapter 13 . 7/8/2010
I am eagerly anticipating your chapters...please keep up the good work...And I like Fox w/ Theresa...but but my true passion will always be for Ethan & Theresa
Lucas4everPeyton chapter 12 . 3/11/2010
How long will we have to wait for a new chappy? gotta be fair and post soon...i can't wait that long...
Rachel chapter 10 . 3/5/2009
More please! I can't wait to see where you take this story.
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